Before I saw the video I had read somewhere that Kevin said they were going to make a really expensive, really classy video. Well I’m sure they got the expensive part right, but I’m not so sure about the classy bit. Unless of course you call a bunch of guys walking around an airport classy, which by the way, I don’t. This video has lead me to believe, that no matter how hard they try the BSB are not actually able to make a video with a decent concept. Lets take a closer look at their videos shall we:
I know this was their first single, and the video was obviously made on a very small small budget, but still. This is just them dancing around on some crazy set, then them singing on basketball court, then in a forest type thing, then washing a car. The whole video serves no purpose what-so-ever except to show us that once upon a time Howie did look semi-normal.
Once again this video has absolutely no concept. The clothes are what really did it for me. The horrible, horrible matching turtle neck sweaters and Nick’s weird vest thing? Not a good look boys. And that weird little flower windmill thing just scares me. Concept - a day at the beach.
I don’t think there’s any thing that can be said about this video that hasn’t already been said. But just personally, I like it, it’s cute, and it was just before the boys turned all weird. But basically the video actually kind of has a concept. They are in the snow, a girl has had her heart broken, and Brian is trying to convince her that he isn’t going to do it again.
This video holds a special place in my heart because it was the first BSB video I ever saw, but it’s pretty lame. The boys dance around in the rain on some bleachers, Nick vogues and sadly thats about it. But I will say one thing - Kevin, water is most definitely your friend.
Perhaps one of their best videos, the set and the costumes and the make-up are great, and I think it is made all the better knowing that this is something the boys thought up all by themselves (gosh, they’ve grown so much, haven’t they). This is the video that made me realise that Brian is really very strange looking, with his pointy ears and his high cheekbones, I think he really could be a werewolf. The Concept - The bus breaks down, they stay in a scary old house all the boys turn into strange creatures and wake up in the morning to find it’s all a dream. I just love the way Kevin says "and to make it more realistic, have it all be dream" like he’s the first person who ever thought of that before.
I like this video, but only because all the boys look good (of course it goes without saying that this does not include Howie. He never looks good). But the concept is basically then dancing a bit, changing costumes, changing from one guy to another, and giving a group of girls some really shifty looks.
I don’t even want to talk about this video, it is totally lame, and it has no concept at all.
This video is bad for so many different reasons - AJ’s hair, Howie’s crying hand motion, Nick’s hair, Kevin’s pants, AJ’s clothes, that damn dog of Brian’s (I’m talking about Tyke people!), Nick’s clothes, Howie pretending to strum the guitar, Nick over acting. I could go on, but I just find it too painful to even think about, and I don’t want to watch the video again so I can pick it apart more. The concept - the boys sing to some girls in different apartments.
Almost none of the videos have concepts, and of the one’s that do, only one of them actually relates back to the song they are singing. Why is this? I’m not sure, but I’d love to find out. If you have any ideas please email me.
Anyways getting back to the I Want It That Way video, what was the director thinking, like we don’t see enough teenybopper fans at the concerts and appearances, now we have to watch them in a video too. Why don’t you encourage then a little more? The only thing I do like about the fans is the girl who looks like she is going to cry when the boys go to leave, oh, and the girls who attack Nick.
Talking about Nick, how the hell did he all of a sudden turn into a man without me noticing? He looks so different, and damn good too, and I think he’s actually lost a bit of weight (not that he couldn’t afford to). But what is up with randomly smiling all the way through the video for no reason?
Brian seems to have turned camera shy all of a sudden, he kind kept off camera for most of the video. But even with the little time he does spend on camera he still makes me ponder whether of not he can actually sing with his eyes open.
Freak of the week = AJ. That ‘fro has just got to go. When will he learn that growing his hair long does not compensate for the fact that he is balding. And I know he’s trying to cover it up with those freaky hats of his, but you have to draw the line somewhere, and he stepped past my line a long long time ago.
When will Kevin learn that rolled up pants are just not a good look. And that long jacket, hell No! He gets so into his solo it’s funny and I just love the way he almost pushes AJ off the screen when he does his slippery little slide up to him, nice touch. Someone just has to do something about that dancing. When I saw him dancing on A Night Out With The Backstreet Boys, I thought he was just playing around with those crazy moves he does in Quit Playing Games, but now I’m not so sure.
Howie, Howie, Howie, when will you learn, over exaggerated hand movements are just not the way to go. I hate the little hand thing he does at the start of his solo, and I hate how he’s just so damn cheesy during the whole video. I don’t really have much to say about him because I try not to watch him too much.
Over all this video was pretty gay and I most definitely think that they can do better. I do love the actual directing, the camera angles, and the special effects, but it was all just wasted on the stupidest concept ever. Hope fully their next video will be better.
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