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Things That Really Get On My Nerves

Living in New Zealand

I don't know if any of you know where New Zealand is, but let me tell you. It is a pathetic little country at the bottom of the world, and well, it sux. Right now while the rest of the world is enjoying summer, it's freezing as hell down here. Things never get released here at the same time as they do in the rest of the world. For example Millenium, I stroll on the music store on the 18th of May, expecting to pick up the CD I've been waiting like a year for. But no. I find out that the stupid New Zealand branch of BMG (who distributes the boys CDs here) hadn't got any stock of Millenium. So all us poor BSB fans had to wait for another three weeks, untill we could get it. God that annoyed me. And thats just one example. It's the same with every thing, movies, videos, TV shows. It really Sux.

Not Having MTV

Now this is something that really annoys me. We used to have the Europan MTV which was really cool, but the network took it off the air after ten months because of bad ratings. Stupid TVNZ. Just another one of the joys of living in New Zealand.

Email Me - Go on, you know you want to.
