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Astro home page.JPG (3000 bytes)

Please click on thumbnails/links to see larger pictures

zaster.jpg (23846 bytes) Astrophytum asterias in flower. zastrocrest.jpg (31140 bytes) Astrophytum asterias crest zmyro.jpg (25075 bytes) Astrophytum myrostigma
multi3.JPG (48504 bytes) Astrophytum asterias zornatspines.jpg (42578 bytes) Astrophytum ornatum zornatm.jpg (28381 bytes) A ornatum nudum

We have grown mostly Astrophytum hybrids in our collection.

We have experimented with Astrophytum (hybridization), and have developed a few hybrids.  We grow most of the harvested seeds, and hope to catch any desirable hybrid that develops.

zcapri.jpg (36455 bytes) Astrophytum capricorne nudum zhybrid.jpg (23037 bytes) Flowering seedling zast.jpg (64434 bytes) Astrophytum hybrid


This page was last updated on 07 Mar 2004.