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1891 Battle River Census
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Recensement Du Canada , 1891.
Alberta, District No.197
S.District 17 Battle River
Enumerated 6 of April ,1891.
Pages 41 - 46 of 46
Families - 5
Name - 6
Sex - 7
Age - 8
Married or Widowed - 9
Relation to Head of Family - 10
Country or Province of Birth - 11
French Canadians - 12
Place of Birth of Father - 13
Place of Birth of Mother - 14
Religion - 15
Profession , occupation , or trade - 16
Employer - 17
Wage earner - 18
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
--- Young;Stephen N 21 --- L Ont. --- Ont. Ont. Methodist Teamster --- Y
--- Cameron;D M 19 --- L Ont. --- Ont. Ont. Methodist Teamster --- Y
--- Belwood;Wm. M 22 --- L Que. --- Que. Que. R.C. Teamster --- Y
--- Dion;Joseph M 21 --- L Que. --- Que. Que. R.C. Teamster --- Y
--- Parde;Stephen M 21 --- L England --- England England Methodist Labourer --- Y
--- Lewis;Thomas M 23 --- L Ont. --- Ont. Ont. Methodist R.RForeman --- Y
--- Clark;George M 27 --- L Ont. --- Ireland Ireland Congregationalist Teamster --- Y
--- Taylor;John M 31 --- L NB --- NB NS Methodist R.R.Cook --- Y
172 Peiche;Robert M 60 M --- N.W.T. --- N.W.T. N.W.T. Methodist Hunter&Trapper --- ---
---     Catherine F 53 M W N.W.T. --- N.W.T. N.W.T. Methodist --- --- ---
---     Coyotte M 25 --- S N.W.T. --- N.W.T. N.W.T. Methodist --- --- ---
---     Mary F 23 --- D N.W.T. --- N.W.T. N.W.T. Methodist --- --- ---
173 Suckise;Secs M 34 M --- N.W.T. --- N.W.T. N.W.T. Methodist Hunter&Trapper --- ---
---     Jeimie F 28 M W N.W.T. --- N.W.T. N.W.T. Methodist --- --- ---
---     James M 16 --- S N.W.T. --- N.W.T. N.W.T. Methodist --- --- ---
---     Mary F 14 --- D N.W.T. --- N.W.T. N.W.T. Methodist --- --- ---
---     Caroline F 12 --- D N.W.T. --- N.W.T. N.W.T. Methodist --- --- ---
---     Joseph M 10 --- S N.W.T. --- N.W.T. N.W.T. Methodist --- --- ---
---     Julius M 7 --- S N.W.T. --- N.W.T. N.W.T. Methodist --- --- ---
174 Cardinal;Moses M 45 M --- N.W.T. --- N.W.T. N.W.T. Methodist Hunter&Trapper --- ---
---     Marg. F 42 M W N.W.T. --- N.W.T. N.W.T. Methodist --- --- ---
---     John M 20 --- S N.W.T. --- N.W.T. N.W.T. Methodist --- --- ---
---     Mary F 17 --- S N.W.T. --- N.W.T. N.W.T. Methodist --- --- ---
---     Joseph M 14 --- S N.W.T. --- N.W.T. N.W.T. Methodist --- --- ---
---     Susan F 11 --- D N.W.T. --- N.W.T. N.W.T. Methodist --- --- ---
175 Shachan;Thomas M 26 --- L Ont. --- Ont. Ont. Methodist CivilEngineer --- Y
--- Johnson;Fred M 17 --- L U.S. --- U.S. U.S. Prest. Cook --- Y
--- Vernan;W.L. M 23 --- L England --- England England Methodist Labourer --- Y
--- Lausien;Joseph M 22 --- L Que. --- Que. Que. R.C. Labourer --- Y
176 Menchrum;C. M 28 --- --- Ont. --- Scotland Ont. Prest. R.R.Foreman --- Y
--- Paulson;O.C. M 29 --- L Ont. --- Ont. Ont. Methodist Carpenter --- Y
--- Brown;J.B. M 27 --- L NS --- NS NS Methodist Carpenter --- Y
--- Small;Isaac M 19 --- L Que. --- Que. Que. C.O.E. Carpenter --- Y
--- Still;Adam M 27 --- L Ont. --- Ireland Ireland Prest. Carpenter --- Y
--- McIntyre;Alex. M 32 --- L Ont. --- Scotland Scotland Prest. Carpenter --- Y
--- McCollans;G. M 24 --- L Ont. --- Ont. Ont. Methodist Carpenter --- Y
--- Weller;John M 31 --- L Ont. --- Ont. Ireland Methodist Carpenter --- Y
--- Rice;John M 21 --- L Que. --- Que. Que. R.C. Carpenter --- Y
177 Cleinis;John M 34 --- --- Ont. --- Scotland Scotland Prest. R.R.Contractor Y ---
--- Sloan;D. M 25 --- L Ireland --- Ireland Ireland C.O.E. R.R.Foreman --- Y
--- Walsh;James M 27 --- L Ont. --- Ont. Ireland Methodist R.R.Book Keeper --- Y
--- Tuies;Wm. M 24 --- L Ont. --- England Ont. Methodist R.R.Cook --- Y
--- Burley;Wm. M 27 --- L Ont. --- England England Methodist Teamster --- Y
--- McNeill;James M 29 --- L Ireland --- Ireland Ireland C.O.E. Teamster --- Y
--- Furman;T.R. M 23 --- L Ont. --- Ont. Ireland Methodist Teamster --- Y
--- Hughes;T.J. M 34 --- L Que. --- Que. Que. Baptist Teamster --- Y
--- McDonall;H. M 22 --- L Ont. --- Scotland Scotland Prest. Teamster --- Y
--- Stewart;James M 24 --- L Ont. --- Ont. Ont. Prest. Teamster --- Y
--- Thomson;Wm. M 27 --- L England --- England England Methodist Labourer --- Y
--- Murray;James R. M 29 --- L Ont. --- Ireland Ont. Methodist Labourer --- Y
--- Stevenson;H. M 22 --- L Ont. --- England England Methodist Teamster --- Y
--- Canwell;J. M 23 --- L Ireland --- Ireland Ireland R.C. Teamster --- Y
--- Bolan;P. M 24 --- L Ireland --- Ireland Ireland R.C. Teamster --- Y
--- Yales;G.H. M 39 --- L Ireland --- Ireland Ireland C.O.E. Teamster --- Y
--- McKeriyan;J. M 20 --- L Ont. --- Ireland Ireland Methodist Teamster --- Y
--- Meagher;John M 42 --- L Ireland --- Ireland Ireland R.C. Teamster --- Y
--- Nelson;W. M 26 --- L Ont. --- Ont. Ont. Methodist Teamster --- Y
--- Cwabel;Frank M 20 --- L Ont. --- Ont. Ont. Methodist Teamster --- Y
--- Johnson;Peter M 21 --- L Scotland --- Prussia Prussia Lutheran Cook --- Y
178 Mann;Alex. M 28 --- --- Ont. --- Scotland Scotland Prest. R.R.Contractor --- Y
--- Keith;Daniel M 36 --- L Ont. --- Scotland Scotland Prest. R.R.Foreman --- Y
--- Paul;George M 21 --- L Ont. --- Ont. Ont. Congregationalist Teamster --- Y
--- Tuch;George M 22 --- L Ont. --- England England Methodist Teamster --- Y
--- Voight;C. M 28 --- L Ont. --- Prussia Prussia Lutheran Teamster --- Y
--- Caruthers;C. M 28 --- L Ireland --- Ireland Ireland Prest. Teamster --- Y
--- Timson;E. M 22 --- L U.S. --- U.S. U.S. Baptist Teamster --- Y
--- Tomlin;Thos. M 29 --- L England --- England England Methodist Teamster --- Y
--- Copely;Walt. M 26 --- L Ont. --- England England C.O.E. Teamster --- Y
--- Rolland;James M 29 --- L Man. --- Man. Man. C.O.E. Teamster --- Y
--- Jack;John M 20 --- L Man. --- Man. Man. C.O.E. Teamster --- Y
--- Keing;Alfred M 23 --- L Ont. --- Ont. Ont. Lutheran Teamster --- Y
179 Laroque;Baptiste M 24 --- --- Man. --- Man. Man. R.C. Freighter --- ---
---     Kate F 21 --- W N.W.T. --- N.W.T. N.W.T. Methodist --- --- ---
---     Clara F 1 --- D N.W.T. --- Man. N.W.T. Methodist --- --- ---
---     Caroline F 68 W Mother Man. --- Man. Man. Methodist --- --- ---
180 Sulivan;Michael M 34 --- --- U.S. --- U.S. Ireland R.C. R.R.Contractor Y ---
--- Cummins;Thomas M 24 --- L England --- England England Methodist Teamster --- Y
--- Wethorn;Thos. M 27 --- L Ireland --- Ireland Ireland Methodist Teamster --- Y
--- Lonkie;Felix M 28 --- L Que. --- Que. Que. R.C. Teamster --- Y
--- Smith;Thos. M 32 --- L Ont. --- Ireland Ireland Methodist Teamster --- Y
--- Lepuie;Napolean M 27 --- L Ont. --- Que. Que. R.C. Teamster --- Y
--- Kuntz;Jacob M 26 --- L Prussia --- Prussia Prussia Lutheran Cook --- Y
--- Kelly;John M 27 --- L U.S. --- Ireland U.S. R.C. Asst.Cook --- Y
--- Herman;Cota M 20 --- L U.S. --- U.S. U.S. R.C. Asst.Cook --- Y
--- Premmest;Engine M 20 --- L U.S. --- U.S. U.S. R.C. Teamster --- Y
--- Rosborough;Henry M 27 --- L Ont. --- Ireland Ont. C.O.E. Teamster --- Y
--- Dewar;John M 49 --- L NB --- NB NB C.O.E. Teamster --- Y
--- Clark;L. M 40 --- L Ireland --- Ireland Ireland Methodist Labourer --- Y
--- McDonel;J. M 18 --- L Ont. --- Ont. Ont. Prest. Labourer --- Y
--- McGee;J. M 28 --- L Ireland --- Ireland Ireland Prest. Labourer --- Y
--- Twaine;John M 23 --- L Ont. --- Que. Que. R.C. Teamster --- Y
--- Ojilvie;James M 25 --- L Ont. --- Scotland Scotland Methodist Teamster --- Y
--- Bondin;John M 54 --- L Ireland --- Ireland Ireland Methodist Teamster --- Y
--- Rogers;F.M. M 23 --- L England --- England England C.O.E. Labourer --- Y
--- Soelphae;Henry M 55 --- L France --- France France R.C. Labourer --- Y
--- Gribble;Wm. M 32 --- L England --- England England C.O.E. Labourer --- Y
--- Russell;Chas. M 19 --- L Ont. --- Ont. Ont. Methodist Teamster --- Y
--- Ponlton;George M 19 --- L England --- England England Methodist Teamster --- Y
--- Haminond;C. M 25 --- L England --- England Ireland Methodist Teamster --- Y
--- Fitzsimmons;Wm. M 26 --- L Ont. --- Ireland Ireland R.C. Labourer --- Y
--- Black;John M 21 --- L Scotland --- Scotland Scotland Prest. Labourer --- Y
--- McInake;J.J. M 25 --- L Ont. --- Ont. Ont. R.C. R.R.Foreman --- Y
--- Baptiste;J. M 29 --- L N.W.T. --- N.W.T. N.W.T. Methodist Labourer --- Y
--- Morrow;Jas. M 21 --- L Ont. --- Que. Que. Methodist Labourer --- Y
--- McLennan;J.B. M 33 --- L U.S. --- U.S. Ireland R.C. Labourer --- Y
--- Bradley;J. M 27 --- L Ont. --- Ont. Ont. Methodist Labourer --- Y
--- Johnson;C. M 26 --- L Ont. --- Ont. Ont. Methodist Labourer --- Y
--- Snow;G. M 26 --- L Ont. --- England Ont. C.O.E. Labourer --- Y
--- Allan;R. M 20 --- L England --- England England Methodist Teamster --- Y
--- Petrie;Wm. M 27 --- L Que. --- Scotland Scotland Prest. Teamster --- Y
--- Wright;E.A. M 44 --- L Que. --- Que. Ireland CatholicApostle Teamster --- Y
--- Bison;Michael M 23 --- L Que. --- Que. Que. R.C. Labourer --- Y
--- Buchard;Paul M 22 --- L Que. --- Que. Que. R.C. Labourer --- Y
--- Viley;Sommond M 22 --- L Que. --- Que. Que. R.C. Labourer --- Y
--- Turcotte;Henry M 25 --- L Que. --- Que. Que. R.C. Labourer --- Y
--- Dawson;Alex. M 23 --- l Ont. --- Ireland Ont. Methodist Labourer --- Y
--- Roach;Joseph M 19 --- L Ont. --- Ireland England Methodist Labourer --- Y
--- Sautte;C. M 22 --- L Ont. --- Que. Que. Methodist Labourer --- Y
--- Joseph;James M 34 --- L Ireland --- England England C.O.E. Blacksmith --- Y
--- McLeod;J. M 35 --- L Scotland --- Scotland Scotland Prest. Teamster --- Y
--- Wilson;Hugh M 38 --- L Scotland --- Scotland Scotland S.Army Teamster --- Y
--- Polson;H.C. M 39 --- L Denmark --- Denmark Denmark S.Army Teamster --- Y
--- McDonald;Murdich M 26 --- L Scotland --- Scotland Scotland Prest. Teamster --- Y
--- Watson;Samuel M 20 --- L England --- England England Methodist Labourer --- Y
--- Hills;Thos. M 20 --- L England --- England England C.O.E. Labourer --- Y
181 Flannery;Martin M 37 M --- U.S. --- Ireland Ireland R.C. Farmer --- ---
---     Bridget F 33 M W U.S. --- Ireland Ireland R.C. --- --- ---
---     Edward M 13 --- S U.S. --- U.S. U.S. R.C. --- --- ---
---     John M 11 --- S U.S. --- U.S. U.S. R.C. --- --- ---
---     Mary F 8 --- D U.S. --- U.S. U.S. R.C. --- --- ---
---     Rose F 6 --- D U.S. --- U.S. U.S. R.C. --- --- ---
---     Nellie F 4 --- D U.S. --- U.S. U.S. R.C. --- --- ---
---     James M 3 --- S U.S. --- U.S. U.S. R.C. --- --- ---
---     Maggie F 1 --- D U.S. --- U.S. U.S. R.C. --- --- ---
182 Kettinger;Wm. M 57 M --- U.S. --- Prussia Prussia Methodist Farmer --- ---
---     Mary F 52 M W U.S. --- Prussia Prussia Methodist --- --- ---
---     Michl M 23 --- S U.S. --- U.S. U.S. Methodist --- --- ---
---     Elizabeth F 21 --- D U.S. --- U.S. U.S. Methodist --- --- ---
---     Elard F 17 --- D U.S. --- U.S. U.S. Methodist --- --- ---
---     Petter M 14 --- S U.S. --- U.S. U.S. Methodist --- --- ---
---     Jane F 12 --- D U.S. --- U.S. U.S. Methodist --- --- ---
---     Agnes F 9 --- D U.S. --- U.S. U.S. Methodist --- --- ---
183 Brown;John M 49 --- --- Ireland --- Ireland Ireland Prest. RRStorekeeper --- Y
--- Johnson;Wm. M 27 --- L Ont. --- Ireland Ireland Methodist RRClerk --- Y
--- Seminet;Ralph M 54 M --- Ont. --- U.S. U.S. R.C. Farmer --- ---
---     Catherine F 49 M W U.S. --- U.S. U.S. R.C. --- --- ---
---     Susan F 22 --- D U.S. --- U.S. U.S. R.C. --- --- ---
---     Mary F 19 --- D U.S. --- U.S. U.S. R.C. --- --- ---
---     Janie F 17 --- D U.S. --- U.S. U.S. R.C. --- --- ---
---     Wm. M 12 --- S U.S. --- U.S. U.S. R.C. --- --- ---