wassup everybody! wells, i'm updating my page after not doing it in a LONG time!! anyways, i'm still japanese/vietnamese and still gots brown eyes and hair. hehe! i'm about done w/ my first semester of college and i go to UH. it's alright i guess. nothing special. i'm dorming there, and boi is that an experience ~L~ it's pretty fun i guess. i can't wait til this semester is over and christmas break gets here! whooo hooo! in my free time, i like to do just about anything. i like going to the beach, seeing movies, singing karaoke, cruising with my friends, listening to whatever kine music, etc. hmmm...well i guess that's bout it. if u wanna know more, ask me! check out the rest of my page alright?? and be sure to sign the fantasy and slam bookies!!
~Quotes of the Day~
"It's not what you have in life, but who you have in life that counts""
- Unknown
"Sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down will be the ones to help you get back up."
- Unknown
"I've learned that true friendship continues to grow even over the longest distances."
- Unknown
LaSt UpDaTeD.....10/18/99