Q. Are you planning any
A. Yes, we are hoping to organise
a trip to an animal farm soon, were
still getting information on cost
and suitability, a letter will be
given to parents when we finalise
Q. What happened to the spring
toys you told us had been bought
with the last fund-raiser?
A. There still in boxes, they were
delivered in July and were hoping
to have them installed before the
end of August, the supplier wanted
to charge a $500.00 installation
fee, we can have them installed
free of charge if we wait a
couple of weeks.
Children biting other children is at
once the most common and most
difficult repercussion of group
child care, it happens even in the
best of programs, it is often scary,
very frustrating and stressful for
children, parents, and teacher.
Group living is hard - people rub
up against each other, a bite is
powerful and primal, quick and
effective, usual inspiring immediate
and dramatic reactions, size and
strength are not required, even a
baby can inflict a very painful bite,
Once biting starts it is hard to get
rid of it quickly, the first child
having received a quick reaction
will bite again, another child sees
the first get a quick reaction and
imitates, soon its an epidemic.
Parents become very upset about
biting and the problem and the
problem escalates.
WHY: Biting is a stage some
children go through, a child who
bites is not on a path toward being
a discipline problem, a bad person
or a cannibal, yes, it is an anti -
social act but and act of an
individual not yet equipped to be
fully social, a child still learning
how to communicate.
So why does one child bite and
another may not, The truth is no
one really knows, some ideas
Lack of control
To make an impact
We have to blame somebody, if it
isn't the child or the parents it must
be the child care centre right,
There is no one to blame, biting is a
natural phenomena - like toilet
accidents and tantrums, it is a
problem which needs to be
handled, much like many other
problems that occur when 25
people are placed in a room and
told to get along with each other.
Good question, Punishment
doesn't work, either delayed
punishment at home, which a child
will not understand or punishment
at the centre which may make the
situatuation worse.
It is important in managing a biting
problem to :
Prepare parents by advising them
that there child has bitten another
and may do it again.
Try to show sympathy for both
children and both sets of parents
involved, one is upset because
their child has bitten and the other
because their child has been bitten.
Make sure that all parents are
aware of steps being taken to
minimise the biting crisis.
Save big reactions for big offences
such as biting, a child who is
constantly being told "NO", being
yelled at or removed for minor
offences will not appreciate the
Lord Street Child-Care