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You walk into a cave, unaware of what to expect. After all the others, you expect to find AnnaBelle pop-up from no where or a dragon pounce on you.

And as you walk, you get more and more nervous. The cave has a pool of water somewhere...You can hear it. Other than that, it's very warm and dry. Its light enough to see larger objects, but you can't really see them. Maybe you're lost forever! STOP thinking like that, you're scaring yourself! Now, I doubt they'd have let you wander into trouble. Well, I hope so.

You look up from your thoughts to see a bend in the cave...And LIGHT! Thank goodness!! Not even wondering what it could be, you rush up, happy to not be left in the dark anymore.

You round the bend...And you're surprised to see a streetlamp in the cave. A...a...STREETLAMP!?! Who puts STREETLAMPS in caves!?!? AnnaBelle and her friends, obviously. You look around for the culprit who lives here.

You gasp and jump back, seeing the dragon advance towards you, you turn to run.
But a man blocks your way, his eyes glimmering in amusement. His hair's wavy and red, a piece of it keeps falling into his face. His eyes are a soft crystal blue. His clothes don't match at all, but oddly seem to go together. He begins to laugh at you.

"Hello! I am J'son, AnnaBelle's newest helper here. She found me wandering in the woods one day, as I often do. I love nature! Its great and beautiful and... Oh, anyways... AnnaBelle offered me a place here, which I readily agreed to. See, I knew of AnnaBelle and her "Nature Spot", as the people of my village call it. Also, my family knows her and her father and have always said she was really nice. This was the first time I've ever seen AnnaBelle, but I was thrilled for both the job and finding her approval. I'd just lost my previous job, because my grandfather closed down his shop. I was having a very hard time finding another job, just because I'm a son of my family. The village I live in is really suspious, and my family is one of those that have been "outcasted". I've got no idea why, I've never seen anything wrong with us...But, I guess that might just be for the reason I live with them. Who knows? The only jobs that seemed to be open for me were a, uhm...Unsavory..." J'son blushes and looks down, shuffling his feet, when he starts talking, its not the very fast and eager flow he was speaking with, "I-I'm sorry, you're not intrested in me. You've probably just lost your way. Would you like me to take you back to the index page?"

You have to smile and shake your head. The truth was, you were actually getting intrested in what he was saying, "No, that's ok. What did AnnaBelle have you do here?"

J'son's eyes light up happily, and he claps like a little kid. He's absolutly thrilled that you don't mind staying! "I'm now the keeper of the cats, and.....and I also impressed a dear dragon! Oh NO!!! Blue Oudith!!!"

You look behind to see the dragon still sitting there, watching the two of you with interest, "He...He won't hurt us, will he?"

Both the dragon and man look at you strangly "Blue Oudith won't hurt a soul! He's my bestest friend, and as long as you don't hurt him or me, we won't harm you."

You grin and look at the two, "Where does Blue Oudith come from?"

"Darllion Weyrhold Its a really terrific place? Do you want me to take you there or go back to the Main Page?"

You decide to stay and about to ask about Blue Oudith, "Do you have any picture of your dragon when he was a hatchling?

"Sure do!" J'son starts laughing when the adult dragon starts jumping up and down, obviously pleased with the question, "And Blue Oudith loves to show himself off! He never speaks to anyone except me, but he can sure get a message out by body language."

Blue Oudith looks at J'son a spilt-second, then runs to a crack in the wall. When Blue Oudith comes out, he proudly carries a photograph of his hatchling and dragonet pictures. He sets it at your feet, then rushes back to J'son.

~ Blue Oudith as a weyr.
~ Blue Oudith as a dragonet.
~ Blue Oudith as a hatchling.

You smile at the pictures, "He was cute!

The dragon gets a...a...your|not|sure|what look on his face, and starts running around J'son, obviously upset over something...

Oh, "Of course, he's very handsome now!" you reassure Blue Oudith, and he quickly stops running around J'son....

....So quickly, in fact, that J'son falls over and nearly lands on the poor thing, "I know, Oudith! I'm sorry, but you really must learn not to run so close. No, no...I'm sure the visitor didn't mean anything...NO! Of course our guest ment you were handsome for real, you were just cuter when you were younger!" a pause, and J'son puts his hand over his head when the dragon attacks the man...But he just laughs and pushes Blue Oudith off, "Everyone's cuter when they were younger! You're cute and handsome, and getting handsomer everyday."

You watch the pair a moment. They've seem to have forgotten you. They're playing some sort of tag-wrestle game..You realize you shouldn't have been afraid when you thought Blue Oudith was attacking J'son. He'd have never hurt his bondmate. You place the weryling picture down and begin to leave...

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