February 3rd is the Royal Mum's birthday plus Matt's birthday, plus Aunt Mickey's birthday!! February 12th is Lynda-the-fish-hick's birthday. February 28th is Ramona Steinman's birthday.
March 22nd is Kris' birthday! March 28th is Grump's birthday. March 30th is Amanda Royal's birthday!
April 8th is Marnie's birthday! April 16th is mom's birthday! April 18th is the Johnson's wedding anniversary! (1998) April 23rd is Liam's day! April 27th is Anita Van Breevoort's birthday.
May 21st is Bailey's birthday! May 22nd is Susan Student's birthday! May 23rd is Tyson & Michelle's wedding anniversary! (1998)
June 1st is the Cables' wedding anniversary! (1997) June 9th is the Murman's birthday! June 20th is Sandra's birthday! June 21st is Grump 'n Grannie's wedding anniversary! (1950)
July 6th is Corrina's birthday. July 7th is Rick's birthday! July 5-14 is the 2002 Calgary Stampede! (Reserve now at the Royal Inn.) July 10th is Mike Royal's birthday. July 19th is Granny's birthday. July 20th is Tracy Johnson's birthday.
August 11th is our anniversary (1995). August 23rd is Uncle Robin's birthday! August 24th is Kyle's birthday. August 29th is Michelle's birthday!
September 13th is David and Bobby's birthday. September 15th is Tyson's birthday! September 22nd is Dad's birthday. September 25th is Aunt Linda's birthday. September 26th is Kathy Scott's birthday!
October 15th is Marty Johnson's birthday! October 25th is Chelsea's birthday (1980). October 25th is the Millers' wedding anniversary.
November 3rd is Justine Scott's day! November 17th is Hunter Allen's day! November 22nd is Mason's day!
December 2nd is Anthony's birthday (1968). December 4th Gwen See's birthday. December 12th is Tamara's birthday (1972). December 16th is Uncle Brian's birthday.