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Too Hot's Ultimate 5ive Fan Quiz

Too Hot's Ultimate 5ive Fan Quiz

This is Too Hots Ultimate 5ive Fan Quiz which I thought up myself. All the answers can be found somewhere on my page. Have fun!

Too Hot's Ultimate 5ive Fan Quiz

1. What is Scott's star sign?

2. When is J's B-Day?
June 13, 1975
July 23, 1975
June 13, 1976
July 23, 1976

3. Where was Sean born?

4. What is Abs' worst Habit?
Bites his nails
Quiet one moment, loud the next
Talks too much
Ain't Got One

5. How much did Ritchie spend on what he considers the maddest thing he's done for love?

6. Abs' view on money is....?
would rather be happy and poor than rich and unhappy
Gimme, gimme, gimme
Love money, but could live without it
Hopes to have lots of it very, very soon, so keep buying the records

7. Sean's chest size is....?

8. Ritchie loves girls who......?
Care a lot and are faithful, and stand by you whatever
Agree to go out with him
Have a sense of humour
Are girls

9. J reckons his best buy ever is.......?
His sampler for his recording studio
His jewellery
His aftershave collection
Hasn't come across it yet

10. Scott's shoe size is.....?
10 1/2

11. Abs would most like to meet.....?
No one in Particular
Sean Connery
R. Kelly
Eddie Vedder

12. Sean's child hood hero was.....?
Michael Jackson
Knight Rider
His parents
Eddie Murphy

13. Ritchie's favourite book is.....?
The Hobbit
Valley of the Lights
The Adventures of Adrian Mole

14. J's view on fame is......?
Something he's always wanted
It Has it's ups and downs
Still trying to get used to it but doesn't think he ever will
False, and just an illusion to make money

15. Scott's favourite tv program is......?
Men behaving badly
No Particular One
Red Dwarf
They think it's all over