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Welcome to the World of Formula 1!!!
Damir A. Yegizbayev
Brussels, Belgium
Benelux, Europe

Damir index:  Damir home page
Formula 1 pictures:
pictures of Kazhastan
humor:  jokes, stories
quizzes:  Formula 1 quizzes
cool pics from the net:
Vesalius College:  information about Vesalius College

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I think it's really cool and I am sure You will like it!

Links to:

Cool Formula 1 sites
FIA officials
F1 news magazines
Anti-Schumacher sites

Official and non official web sites of:
engine/oil suppliers
other suppliers
sponsors/teams partners

Murray Walker quotes

others - F1 babes, cartoons, jokes, Formula 1 sites for women and other cool stuff

F1 Trivia - Quizzes that will immediately show how well you know Formula 1

F1 picture gallery - photos and cartoons

Formula 1 sites in Russian



Yes, and if You find any grammatical or spelling mistakes, please excuse me!

I am trying to improve my web site.  If you want to send me
Your comments, please do so.  If you like me, please send
Your comments too (I am a guy, not a girl).
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