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Whats New?

October 17, 1999: Added the Real Audio section today. Still no tour dates anounced for November (South America) and December ( USA and Canada), but I will update the page when they come out. I know the "Video" link does not work, it is because there is nothing there. I will work on getting that up and running soon. Still no "Group Information", or MP3 section updates.

October 11, 1999: Wow, has it ever been a long time since I updated this page. I guess there is just not enough hours in a day, or something like that. I have now finished the Discography and Lyrics section (after a year and a half, it's about time!), so that is now up and running. I also checked at for the new tour dates, but none have been posted yet, so I'll check back later. For some reason, the Group Information has disapeared, that just means I will have to write another one, and that will take some time. Next things I am working on are the MP3 section, Group Information, and the links.

April 27, 1999: Dave's Offspring Page is now an affiliate of ROCK.COM. I have put up banners all around the page, and a search engine. Please take some interest to these banners because all profits earned are being directed to charity. Sorry I haven't updated in a long time, I've been really busy. The lyrics and sounds are still in the works and I credit the problem to a lack of enthusiasm. More MP3's will be added as time goes on. But first things will be accomplished first.

March 18, 1999: Added two more MP3's (All I Want, and Jennifer Lost The War). I have also included the sizes of the MP3 files next to the download links. Changed the opening picture on the index page back to the animated "salute".

March 11, 1999: I have added a MP3 page link to the index page. I will add more when I get a chance. If there are any songs that you would like see on the MP3 page, please E-mail me and tell me which ones. Still working on the lyrics and sounds page, but it will be complete soon. Also fixed the picture on the Offspring Webring box. Might have some tour dates soon!

February 13, 1999: I added the "crappy" Pretty Fly MIDI to the main page. As you may have noticed, this page is now part of "The Offspring Webring", cool huh? I'm still working hard to get all the lyrics and sounds up and running and I'll let everyone know when they are finally done. Right now, I am about half way through finishing the Smash albums lyrics and sounds.

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