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Thursday, 8 September 2005

In the early 1990s, few would have predicted that a message scratched on a Gestapo cell wall, a mother's lament for her dead son and a medieval prayer to the Virgin Mary would inspire one of the most moving and memorable musical experiences of the 20th century. Or that a symphony by a little-known Polish avant-garde composer would entrance and enthrall a generation of listeners. But, in 1993, Nonesuch Records issued a stunning recording, by the American soprano Dawn Upshaw with the London Sinfonietta conducted by David Zinman, of Henryk Gorecki's Third Symphony, Symfonia Piesni Zalosnych — the 'Symphony of Sorrowful Songs' — and, almost overnight, Gorecki became a household name.
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| Gorecki: Symphony No. 3 "Symphony of Sorrowful Songs"

Friday, 2 September 2005
Constanze Mozart
Mozart was no lone genius.
His wife made him a success -
and he was the first to admit it,
writes Jane Glover
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Monday, 29 August 2005
Gershwin leads composer rich list
The music of George Gershwin has delighted
millions of people across the world and he made
a multi-million pound fortune from it. Now the
creator of such classics as Summertime,
Rhapsody In Blue and I Got Rhythm has topped a
list of the richest composers of all time.
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Sunday, 28 August 2005

Michael Tippett's selected letters are
infuriating, impenetrable and full of struggle -
but utterly fascinating, says Michael Berkeley
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Wednesday, 24 August 2005
Fanfare for Copland, Who Wasn't Always a Common Man
Aaron Copland espoused a creed of Shaker
simplicity. The hymn he set in "Appalachian
Spring" begins with the words " 'Tis the gift
to be simple." When asked in 1937 about his
role in the music of his time, he replied "to
write something that is simple, yet very good."
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Tuesday, 23 August 2005
Catching Up with Composer Steven Stucky at Aspen
Now Playing: LISTEN-NPR's Performance Today, August 22, 2005 ?
Composer Steven Stucky, who won
the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for his Second Concerto
for Orchestra, has much to say about composing,
his colleagues and the music of Bach. He's as
engaging in conversation as he is musically.
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Monday, 22 August 2005

Glazunov, Alexander Konstantinovich
Classical Music Library Biography pupil of Rimsky-Korsakov, he helped his teacher
with the completion of Borodin's unfinished opera Prince Igor.
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Thursday, 18 August 2005

Franz Schreker was better on his best days than most great composers are on their off days, which is why canons of genius are suspect. A child of fin-de-siecle Vienna, he delighted in the traumas of hypersensitive artist types, capturing them inside a glistening spiderweb of orchestral sound. At the height of his career, around 1920, he was anything but obscure
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Tuesday, 16 August 2005

Now Playing: Fandango!
Boccherini's Fandango Quintet for Guitar and
Strings in D
(with a sistrum and castanets added for spice)
flavors WNYC's programming with a
taste of his adopted city, Madrid.
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Composer Steve Reich is the 46th recipient
of the Edward MacDowell Medal. The medal is
awarded each year to an artist who has made an
outstanding contribution to the arts. Medals
have been awarded to artists as diverse as
composer Aaron Copland, animator Chuck Jones,
and author Philip Roth.
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Now Playing: Classical Music Library Biography
Nicolo Paganini was born in Genoa, Italy, in 1782. His parents were a cargo handler and shipping clerk. He began to play the mandolin when he was 5, and changed to the violin aged 7. His father made him practice all hours of the day and would refuse to feed him if his playing was not satisfactory. Subsequently he received violin lessons and composition lessons from local musicians. In 1794 he played for Mass in the church of S Filippo Neri, and was widely acclaimed. He was composing at this time, and his youthful works already display the love of unusual effects which was to prove one of his trademarks.
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Monday, 15 August 2005

Beyond the Myths and the Commerce, How Much Is Left of Mozart?
By Nicholas Kenyon International Herald Tribune
SALZBURG — Every year, more than half a million
people fight their way through small streets to
visit Mozart's birthplace on the third floor of
a medieval town house in the Getreidegasse. It
is the place to go, even if you are really here
only for the Sound of Music tour.
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Friday, 12 August 2005

It pays to be poor

Sofia Gubaidulina's 'music of poverty' was
born of Soviet repression and censorship - and
was all the richer for it. Gerard McBurney meets her
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Monday, 8 August 2005

Music sleuth uncovers new work by Antonio Vivaldi
a Melbourne University researcher has unearthed an important new work.
It has been described by Vivaldi experts
as the biggest find in 75 years.
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Thursday, 4 August 2005

One late-summer day in 1912, a young man collapsed at West Croydon station. A few days later he was dead, of pneumonia exacerbated by exhaustion through overwork. His name was Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, and he was Britain's first successful black classical composer.
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