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Thursday, 26 January 2006

-- Don't know anything about Mozart? A guide for where to start:
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Monday, 23 January 2006

There are practically no technical limits anymore to how composers can realize their musical pictures. Today even composers in the realm of the so-called 'high arts' who were reluctant to use computers because of the poor outcome of conventional synthesizers or samples take the plunge and start to use sample libraries," says Herb Tucmandl, founder of Vienna Symphonic Library
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Thursday, 12 January 2006
British Library Posts Digital Version of Mozart Manuscript
The British Library is honoring the 250th anniversary of the composer’s birth with an online version of his musical diary and audio clips of rarely performed compositions.
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Monday, 9 January 2006

Researchers announce that they failed to prove whether a skull locked in an Austrian museum since 1902 belongs to famed 18th-century composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
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Almost 70 years ago, a gift of a viola changed a Chicago high school girl's life. Now, Lydia Thalheimer, 83, wants to return the favor by giving her 1734 German viola to a young musician.
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Sunday, 8 January 2006

There have been many great writers about music — a short list would include Hector Berlioz, George Bernard Shaw, James Huneker and Virgil Thomson — but none of them deigned to write introductory volumes.
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When they aren't practicing their instruments, conducting choirs and orchestras and presiding over major schools of music, leaders in the classical music scene resolve to branch out in ways that will challenge them in new and inspiring ways.
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Wednesday, 4 January 2006

Music is one place where women have surpassed the gender divide. Hildegard of Bingen composed music in medieval times, pianist Clara Shumann brought the bacon to the Schumann household in 19th-century Germany and Amy Beach defined music in early 20th-century America.
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Tuesday, 3 January 2006

The classical music world had its share of high and low notes in 2005. The new year promises grand celebrations of Mozart's 250th birthday. What more is on the horizon? New Yorker music critic Alex Ross offers his insights.
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Saturday, 31 December 2005

Britons are out of tune with classical music
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Tuesday, 20 December 2005

Taste in music varies for everyone, some like pop, rock, heavy metal, jazz, alternative, country and western, rap/hiphop, new age, but when it comes to classical, are some people just wired for that and others are not?
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Sunday, 18 December 2005
What makes a classic?
What people mean is usually (music) from Bach up to the 20th century.
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Thursday, 15 December 2005

Semantically, you can't really be a composer of "classical music" if you're alive, even though that hasn't stopped the music industry from using this term. (Although that semantic disconnect might be part of why living "classical composers" are so far off the radar of the general public.) But you also can't be a composer of "new music" if you are no longer living.
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Sunday, 4 December 2005

Taste in music varies for everyone, some like pop, rock, heavy metal, jazz, alternative, country and western, rap/hiphop, new age, but when it comes to classical, are some people just wired for that and others are not?
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Wednesday, 30 November 2005

Placido Domingo cried when he saw the Venezuelan Youth Orchestra perform.
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