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Vladimir Heavy Draft

Other Names: Vladimir Heavy Draft, Ivanovo, Russian Clydesdale, Vladimir Clydesdale, Vladimirskaya Tyazhelovoznaya

Origin: In the Vladimir and Ivanovo regions of the Soviet Union, east of Moscow.

Color: Predominant color is bay, often with white markings on the face and legs. Less frequently black or brown is seen.

Avg Height: 15.3 to 16.1 hh

Avg Weight: 1650 to 1760 lbs

Build: The Vladimir has a medium-sized head with a slightly convex profile. Short, well-muscled neck. Sufficiently pronounced and long withers. Long, slightly dipped back. Long, fairly broad body. Stout. long legs with a moderate amount of feather, and large, rounded feet. Chest is broad but not deep. The mane, tail, and feathers are well developed.

Temperament: Combines great strength with the most docile of natures.

Main use: Work horse, and is used to pull the famous Russian troikas.

Special abilities: Noted for its good action and sound constitution. Has excellent gaits. Matures very early, and is so well developed by the age of three that it can start work and can also be used at stud.

History: A strong, well-made animal, the Vladimir Heavy Draft horse was developed in the Vladimir and Ivanoso regions of the Soviet Union, east of Moscow, on the basis of large native horses through crossbreeding with various draft breeds, such as the Percheron and the Suffolk, and later with the Clydesdale and, to a lesser extent, with the Shire. The latter was in wide use only from 1919 through 1929. The aim was a horse of medium draft power or less which would have rather high speed. In the formation of the breed, a particular role was played for more than a hundred years by Gavrilovo-Posad breeding station, previously a stud farm and a state breeding stable. Its experts invested no small effort in the creation of horses of uniform type in the region. In 1946 the new heavy draft breed was recognized.

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