Shire Chat: "Where Shire horse owners and enthusiasts share their experiences." EquiChat: "Chat room in Scotland."
Foster Family Horse Chats:
Chat 1
Chat 2
Grand Prix Horse Chat: "...where horse people come to Talk!"
HorseCandy Chats: With a web-access chat room, and an aol-members only chatroom. A selection of 16 different chatrooms, with many options for java or html. ICQ Chat Room.
Java Horse Chat: A little busy on the eyes, but otherwise nice! :)
Kickin' Back Ranch Horse Chat: "KBR Horse Chat is a "BeSeen" chat room. It is intended to be a forum for horse health, horse training, horse care, wild horses and just plain horsey fun."
Nickers & Neighs Chat Room: For horse lovers everywhere.
The Mining Co.- Horses Chat: "Pull up a hay bale and join in the Chat! The chat room is open all the time for you to come in and chat about horses, horse care, showing, training."
Worldwide Horsemen's Directory: "Feel free to use our chat room for public and private chats at any time. If you would like to schedule or host a chat let us know."