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Y O U ! ! !

I would like to thank the following people for their help on this webpage:

The Driller's Official webpage, for posting a link to this site!

Kevin for putting up with me and for giving me lots of information on the Drillers and lots of other stuff!

Kelly for the use of some of her pictures, and for adding to the nicknames page!

Alisha and Nikki, for the use of pictures, and also for more nicknames, and for being such nice people!

Mr. Ron Palmer, Pat, Justin, and Gillian for more nicknames!

You have all furthered the "great quality" of this page! Thank you so much once again!

Also a very special thanks to Martin Dugas, Chris Handsor, LeBaron Hollimon, Ross Ongaro, Ron Knoll and Wojtek Wojcicki and any other Drillers, for taking the time to look at this page, and telling me how great it was. I really appreciate that, it makes all the effort worth it! Thank you very much!

And last, but certainly not least, thank you to my Mom for all the great graphics and good advice on the remodel of this website!!!

Email Sarah!

Home :: Roster :: Profiles :: Schedule :: Coaching :: Rules :: Birthdays :: Nicknames :: Pictures :: About Me :: Thank You :: Sign Guestbook :: View Guestbook :: 

BB Graphics - for all your web page graphic needs!
Graphics  provided by my Mom!
Visit her website or email her  for all your web page graphic needs.