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Company: DVORAK – pekarenske stroje a. s.

Firm headquarters: Pavla Svandy ze Semcic 13; 150 00 Praha 5; Czech Republic

Office: Konevova 3; 130 00 Praha 3; Czech Republic

Tel.: +420-2/22780568, 22781569, 22781570

Fax: +420-2/22781567


History: Founded in 1992 under the name DVORAK spol. s. r. o., transformed in 1998 into a joint-stock company and the name has been changed to DVORAK – pekarenske stroje a. s

Legal form: Joint-stock company – Trade register number 25713761

Managing Director: Dipl. Ing. Jaroslav Dvorak

Business Director: Dipl. Ing. Olga Duskova

Lawyer: Dr. Jaromνr Kain

Bank: Ceskoslovenska obchodni banka a.s., Na Prikope 14, 115 20 P r a h a 1

acct. no.: 01-06877030/0300

Business activities: Two divisions form the main support od DVORAK – pekarenske stroje, a.s.:

(1) Packaging technology – Fully Automated Vertikal & Horizontal FFS Machines:

(2) Bakery technology – machines for large and medium – size bakeries, in particular Planetary Mixers, Spiral Kneaders, Dough Dividers, Cone Rounders, Lond Moulders, Provers, Rotating Rack Ovens, Tunnel Band Ovens, Bread Lines, Pastry Make-up Lines, etc.

