Now, for the first time, the amazing and controversial ALBERTO COMIC is available for reading online. This is the comic book that exposed the "church" of Rome's plan to destroy Protestantism and make the whole world bow down to the pope!
"Alberto Rivera was a Jesuit priest. When his mother died while he was still very young, he made up his mind that by becoming a priest he would learn the truth about God, and be able to bring that to others. If you are a Catholic, or have Catholic friends or loved ones, this story is for you."
Smokescreens. A brief and easily readable online book giving an overview of some of the Catholic church's doctrines and its role in history, including the Holocaust:
To learn how the Catholic church was responsible for the death camps of World War Two read, online, The Vatican's Holocaust by Avro Manhattan.
To learn how the beliefs and practices of Catholicism are derived from ancient Babylonian paganism (goddess and sun worship), read this scholarly online book: The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop.
For an abbreviated version of the above topic, click on "Baptized Paganism." To learn how the characteristics of the Whore of Babylon in Revelation 17 apply to the Catholic church, click on "The Scarlet Woman."
Other Catholic literature, click here.
Visit this fact-filled website that gives the most current news about the Vatican in world politics. You may even visit the pope's palace. Click here.
The pagan origins of Christmas.
Here's a page with scores of links to websites exposing Catholicism. Highly recommended! Click here.