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Through an atmosphere of acceptance,
     we dream that our church will be a body of diverse
     people from a variety of experiences unified by the
     same Spirit & the same vision.

     Our Goal - To be a gathering of people who are
     discipled and using their God-given spiritual gifts for
     the glory of God and the benefit of each other.

     Our Leadership - We dream of a Leadership Team
     that is complete in their mix of gifts and are
     multiplying themselves into the lives of others.

     Our Offspring - We dream to birth at least one
     daughter church with funds and staff.

     Our Heart - We want to put the hand of God into
     the hand of people through worship and to put the
     heart of God into the heart of people through 

     Our Worship - We dream of a worship atmosphere
     where people can freely express themselves in the
     way the Spirit is leading without judgment from

     Our Health - We dream of a church, filled and led
     by God’s Spirit, that has an unchangeable mindset
     for meeting our community's felt and spiritual needs
     through believers who have discovered and are using
     their spiritual gifts.

