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undefined Ah...cleaned up...adding more soon...there's sooo much more to add ;) too

Exodus From Genesis

Aeryn: I'm sure your world has no force so ruthless, so disciplined.
John: We call 'em linebackers...or serial killers. Depends on if they're professional or amateur. 

Aeryn: No offense, human, but what can I possibly need from you?
John: I dunno...manners, personality....Stock tips. 

Throne For A Loss

Aeryn: That was your plan?
John: Yeah. Worked pretty good.
Aeryn: Oh, just barely! That is the last time I goalong with one of your plans!

John: When this is over, you and I are gonna have a little talk.
Aeryn: When this is over, you and I will probably be dead. 

John: You shang-hi my ass down here, now you want me to lead!Give me one good reason.
Aeryn: Lots of reasons -land mines, fire snakes, razor grass, night visions sniperss, morlian death spiders... 

John (to Aeryn): If this is your idea of a good time, I'll bet you don't get a lot of second dates. 

Thank God It's Friday, Again

Aeryn: she gives me a woody. "Woody" it's a human saying. I've heard you say it often when you don't trust someone, or they make you nervous. They give you...
John: Willies! She gives you, the willies! 

John (to Aeryn): Damn. Why can't you come around the front like regular poeple? 

John: Aeryn, not today, okay? I've been out in the suna all day, picking magic turnips. I've got a worm in my gut crawling around in places where the sun don't shine. And I'm sick of it all! So would you just shut up and help? 

John (to Aeryn): This is great. you're trading in your pulse riffle for the Jr. Chemistry kit! 

PK Tech Girl

John (to Aeryn): Why don't you give it a rest, Ms. Drill Sergeant? 

John (to Aeryn): Haven't you ever just clicked with a guy? 

Aeryn: In the beginning, I found you...interesting.
John: Me?
Aeryn: Yes, but only for a moment.
John: Good. That's's good to be on even terms.
Aeryn: I agree.
John: Yeah,'s always a good idea to clear the air.
Aeryn: Very, clear air! 

DNA Mad Scientist

John: When I find a way home, if i find a way home, I'll take you with me.
Aeryn: Me, on a planet full of billions of you? 

John: You gotta give me a clue here Aeryn. Is this new or is this your usual PMS -peackeeper military sh-
Aeryn: Frell you! 

Aeryn: I'm losing it John. I'm completely losing it. 

John: It's a happy face.
Aeryn: They're food cubes.
John: No. See the patern it forms a...never mind. 

John (to Aeryn): You woulda fit in on Earth just fine. 

Til The Blood Runs Clear

John (to Aeryn): You, keep your damned mouth shut unless I tell you to speak. 

Aeryn: I showed no sign of submission.
John: You don't have to, you're female...Sorry I didn't make the rules.
Aeryn: You certainly seem familiar with them. 

Aeryn: Don't help me Crichton!
John: You can't look after yourself. Not right now. So stop acting like a bad-ass peacekeeper. 

Rhapsody In Blue

John: That's my underwear! 
Aeryn: What does this say?
John: Calvin.
Aeryn: Then they're not yours.

John: It's so perfect my teeth ache.
Aeryn: Well, taht's from all the sincerity. 

Aeryn: It amazes me how people mistake theosophy for superirity.
John: You know, I don't think so Aeryn. I don't think anything amazes you. 

John: There's um...stuff in the water. I mean, uh...
Aeryn: You are the most bizzare creature i have ever met. 

The Flax
(shoulda just made an transcript, lol)

Aeryn (to John): Now, you do that one again, and i'll kill you. 
John: Damn. Don't scare me like that.
Aeryn: Scare you? What you think I had something to do with that?
John: No I thought you might....nevermind.

Aeryn: Can you pass me tht ax?
john: yeah...what are you gonna do w/ it?
Aeryn: I'm going to hack my foot off.
John: Aw, let me then.
Aeryn: Just give it to me! 

John: Aeryn, that's a great idea.
Aeryn: You sound surprised. 

John: Are you sure this tings going to work?
Aeryn: Mm-hmm. It should kill you.
John: Well, it'snot the kill shot that concerns me. I'm sure you got that one down fine. 

Aeryn: I'd say fifty-fity.
John: You call that good odds? 

John: Hey, when sebaceans die, what do you believe happens? You believe in an afterlife, heave and hell, all tht jazz? Humans...well some humans, believe tht there's like this bright like and you, end up somwhere else, along w/ your friends, family, realatives. All the people who died before you. does that ring a bell?
Aeryn: Sebaceans believe that when you die, you die. You go nowhere, you see nothing.
John: I guess I'll find out in a minute, huh? 

Aeryn: I won't let you down, John. 

John: Aw, this...this is gonna hurt like crap, isn't it?
Aeryn: Trust me, it's not going to hurt a bit. 
(She sticks him w/ the needle and he cries out in pain)

John: My god. You did it Aeryn. You did it. But you lied like a dog! Oh, God did that hurt like hell. 

John: I thought peacekeepers were trained to fight alone, surive alone. Die alone.
Aeryn: Well, it apears my training is failing me. I don't want to die alone. 

Aeryn: What did you see? 
John: hmm?
Aeryn: You know, after the kill shot, when you were dead. Did you see the things that, you know, that, humans believe? The light. Friends.
John: No. I didn't. All I saw was black. 

(explaining their kiss)
John: Heat of the moment.
Aeryn: Exactly. Too much pure oxygen.
John: Affected our judgement. If it had been you and D'argo up there, the same thing probably would've happened.
Aeryn: or you and Zhaan.
John: Anyway, one thing's for sure. It'll never...never happen again.
Aeryn: Never.
John: Never.
Aeryn: Never.
John: one thing...just to absolutly certain. You are the female of your species? Right?