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undefined This is one of my fav. areas of the page...I yell some of these out at my family/friends sometimes, just to freak 'em out...Scary part is that a few of 'em know what I'm talking about...and ya know the deal, cleaned up, but thing added, yet...


John: What, um...? Where...?....Where are my clothes!?

John: You fart helium?

Exodus From Genesis

John: It's kinda minty.

John: You don't see that every day.

John: The giant Quija board says...

John (to a replicant of himself): That's why Eddie Marx kicked your ass in the seventh grade! You fought fair!

John: We didn't cover the life cycles of deep space insects at JFK high!

Throne For A Loss

John: Kung Fu never carried a gun!

John: That can't be normal.

John: Oh, no. That can't be good.

John: It's a little more then capachino, pal!

John: you can be disarmed, without having to be dis-armed!

Rygel: How dare you burry me in mud!

John: Wile E. Coyte could come up with a better plan then that!

John: Oh shit.

John: Am I bleeding?

joh: Nice blanket, ya got there D'Argo.
D'Argo: A lumpy blanket. Get her off!

Rygel: Maybe around the throat isn't a good idea.

John: Hey, check out the critter!

John: Rygel is an obnoxous gas bag.

Rygel: I'm unloved, unwanted, unpopular..unconcious.

John: Don't you tempt me fluffy.

Back And Back To The Future

Aeryn: She's clearly leading D'argo around by his mivonks.

John: Psychic spanish fly.

John: You know, we were getting horizontal...vertical.

John: Okay, John don't freak. Get a grip man. You don't know you've come unstick in time.

Rygel: I'm on a shpi of lunatics!

John: This is gonna take a lot of explaining.

John: I could go just plain old bonkers here. But I guess it's about time for that to happen.

John: Back off nature girl.

John: My entire life has become nonsense!

Thank God It's Friday, Again

John (about Rygel): Well, Spanky here's male. i think. Sort of.

john: This is the end of hyper rage? I get hugged to death?

John: However I look, I feel a hell of a lot worse.

John: Smile, that's what they do around here.

John: Oh give it a rest snow white.

PK Tech Girl

John: Is this a good idea?

John: Well I'm sure it looks better w/ carpeting.

John: They spit fire? How come nobody tells me this stuff? How come nobody tells me they spit fire?

John: Listen, Gas-hole!

John: Life sucks.

That Old Black Magic

D'Argo: This door is protected by an evil spell.

DNA Mad Scientist

Zhaan: Are you alright, John?
John: Yeah, sure. no problem. Happens all the time. Needle in the eye. No sweat.

John (to pilot): I will never understand you people!

John: Pilot says he's going to be okay. It's only one of his arms. Hell, he's got four.

Till The Blood Runs Clear

John: You tell your bitch to let my female go!

John: Bonehead.

John: Who's calling the shoots here, Pluto?

Rygel: AHHH! Help! Help! A mad delvian exhibitionist is forcing herself on me visually!

The Flax

D'Argo: I can't take Moya's pregnancy much longer. The walls of my cell are excreating some sort of gell.

Rygel: Where are you uh, your uh...your...
Zhaan: For an anthropoid biped, there seams to be something missing.

John: It's colder then a frogs ass.