Praise the Lord.
"I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live. I will praise my God till I have my being."-Psalm 104:33.
Greetings to you all in the matchless name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I would like to give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for His marvelous things done in my life. Eventhough I was from a Hindu family, my parents brought me up in the Christian way of life from my childhood. During my college days I lived worldly life without knowing the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though there were many trials and troubles in my life, our Lord was with me and He never forsake me.
By God’s grace I had a chance to come to Kuwait on 15th February 1996. After I came to Kuwait I faced much difficulty for finding a job. Since I couldn’t find any job I had to go back to India. However, I came back to Kuwait by His abundant grace and mercy. The Lord was so much merciful and gave me a job. After getting a job I started looking for my suitable life partner from India, but by His grace, the Lord gave me Usha as my Life partner in Kuwait. Even though I have no parents and relatives in Kuwait, our Lord fulfilled my wish through Pastor. Shunmugam and Pastor. Kenny to arrange and conduct our marriage in a grand manner as though my parents would have done. I wish to thank both the pastors and fullgospel church members for all they have done in a way I have never expected. Through our marriage God gave me a good Christian Church Fellowship also. In my wife Usha’s life also our Lord has done great things. She is also born in a Hindu family and brought up in Christian way. She too faced many difficulties in her life. By His grace she came to Kuwait on 1st April 2002 with the help of her sister Kausalya Chellathangam. Our Lord who is merciful, offered her a suitable job in the Ministry of Health on 8th October 2002 as staff Nurse. Moreover she accepted our Lord as her personal Saviour. At this situation, her father became bed ridden. During the last one week of her father’s death bed, she had the previliage to be with him and he slept in the Lord. There were many obstacles for our marriage, but the Lord has chosen us and brought us as a family and we were married on 31st January 2002. I offer millions of thanks and Praise the Lord who has done so many good things in our life.