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Daddy will come back soon

One day a well to do businessman who wanted to expand his business by going to a far country for trading called his 6 year old son and old him “my son, tomorrow I am going to a far country on my business”. Then, the child asked his father “Daddy, when will you come back?” The father took the child by his hand to the big garden behind their house. There he showed his little son a big tree and old him “my son, when all the leaves of this tree falls to the ground, then I will come back”. Probably the father was meaning a particular season in which the tree leaves will wither and fall to the ground during which time he planned to return home. May be he thought that if he tells is son about the month of the year in which he will return, the little boy may not understand.

So, after the father has left on his business tour, the son use to go to the garden everyday and start counting how many leaves have fallen to the ground and how many still remain on the tree. He was wondering when will all the leaves fall to the ground and his beloved daddy would return home.

One day, suddenly there was a severe wind blowing with heavy rains pouring. The little boy went towards the garden. For his great surprise he saw that all the leaves from the tree have fallen on the ground. He was so excited, he ran to his mother shouting “Daddy will come back soon”. The mother wondered and asked her son “how do you know daddy is coming back soon?” The son recalled what his father told him about the tree and the leaves sign. Sure the father came back from his business tour during that season.

Jesus said “ Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when his branches is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. So, likewise ye when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.” (Mathew 24: 32,33) Jesus told this parable to give a sign for his second coming.

Through the news papers and news through TV and Radio we hear much about what is happening around us in the world especially around the city of Jerusalem. Jesus spoke at length about his second coming in the following passages. Mathew 24:4-51 and Mathew 25: 1-46.

Just like the little son of the businessman who realized his fathers “Coming back” by looking at the leaves of the tree in the garden, we also should realize that our Lord Jesus will ‘Come back’ soon by looking at the events taking place around the world as foretold in the scripture.

One of these days, suddenly, the Bride groom our Lord Jesus Christ will appear in the mid air to take away His bride, the Church who are the people that are born again leading a Holy life according to the word of God prepared and waiting for His Coming. The Holy Bible tells us about this truth in 1st Thess.4:16, 1st Cor. 15: 51-54, Mathew 24:36-44 and Mathew 25: 1-13. This is the secret coming of our Lord.

We read in the scripture that the Anti-Christ will establish his kingdom in this world. After the church of Jesus is Raptured and taken away from this world, satan, knowing that he has got only a very short time, will act vigorously. He will give his power to the beast and the anti-christ and they will establish their rule on this earth. During the anti-christ rule no body will be allowed to practice or preach any religious faith including Christianity. There will be great trouble specially for those who want to be believers of Jesus Christ. This time is called the period of tribulation and great tribulation. These events are described in Rev. 12:9, 12 and Rev. 13:1-10, 11-18.

Beloved brothers and sisters, don’t you think that our good Lord has graciously given us abundant opportunity now to prepare ourselves for His coming. Now, we have a wonderful Christian fellowship, Sound teaching of the scripture, and no hindrance from any authorities against our spiritual life. But the days are coming when there will be scarcity for the word of God and a great persecution to the true believers of Jesus Christ. It is recorded in the scripture about this time.

“Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water but of hearing the words of the Lord” - Amos 8:11.

During the rule of beast and the anti-christ there will be no one to teach and preach the Word of God. Those who do not accept the Lordship of anti-christ will find it impossible to live on this earth. We read about all these in Rev.13: 16-18.

Therefore Amos exhorts us “Prepare to meet thy God…….Amos 4:12.

If we cannot lead a Holy life pleasing to the Lord in this peaceful time, how can we follow the Lord during the evil days of anti-christ rule?

Prophet Jeremiah questions us……………
“If you have run with the foot men, and they wearied you, then how can you run with horses? If in the land of peace, where you live they wearied you, how will you do when Jordan over flows”. Jeremiah 12:5.

So, my fellow believers in the Lord let us prepare ourselves for the coming of the Lord now. If you have not committed your life to Jesus and not obeying his commandments, this is the right time to start.

According to Acts 2:38 - 42

1. Repent and believe on Lord Jesus Christ.
2. Be baptized for the remission of sin.
3. Receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
4. Continue in the Apostles Doctrines, fellowship, breaking of bread and in prayers.
Let us be ready at any time to be raptured in the secret coming of our Lord Jesus so that we are not left behind to face the persecution in anti-christ rule.
Our Lord has got His own plans to renovate this world and establish His eternal kingdom. He will carry out every detail of his grand plan in his own time according to his great wisdom. We read about these wonderful things in Revelation Chapters 21 and 22.

According to His word, if we are the overcoming Christians, then, we will inherit all things in the new eternal kingdom of God. – (Revelation 21:7 )

May God bless us with these words. ………….Amen.

By: Bro. R. Samuel

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