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Bro. Kennedy's Family

"We are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us". IICor.5:20

Obedience and faith can be said as two sides of a coin. Blessings springing forth out of this obedience and faith are always infinite and inestimable and this fact is crystal clear in this family’s testimony. For. Bro.Kenndey and Sis. Jeraline the wedding bells rang on 19-10-1995 and they entered into the most wonderful phase of their lives on this day. By the grace of God they are being blessed with a lively three year old boy namely Christopher John Louis who is highly amicable even in these early years.

Bro. Kennedy says, “ In Kuwait I was regularly attending the Catholic Church since I hailed from a Roman Catholic family, but I was also coming to this Church for a long time. But the Lord wanted me to come out of the previous fold of Catholicism completely and hence permitted certain scarceness in my life. After which I sought the Lord for His aid and God began His work in me and the Holy Spirit inspired me to take Water Baptism.

But I certainly know that many a finer of accusation would rise against me from my old church elders and friends. But by God’s given strength and by the undaunted inspiration given by my blessed wife, I gained strength and obeyed the word and took water Baptism in this church, along with my wife on 26-11-1999. After this submission my life was never the same as before and the blessings God showered on us is innumerable. To cite a few:

We sought the Lord and wept bitterly at His feet seeking His mercy in bringing our son down to Kuwait. The same officer who has said “No Chance” approved for the Visa without even uttering a single word. What a miraculous Father we have! Yes, we knew then that even our little drops of tears could move the heart of the mighty of Mighties.

From the age of 15, I was wearing glasses to rectify my blurred vision. Even if I would fail to wear for half an hour, it always resulted in me getting severe headache. During an all night prayer of this church my faith was stirred and I prayed with steadfast faith that my eye should be healed right after the prayer. OH! What a miraculous God we have! Yes, God honoured my faith and soon after the prayer I was astounded to take note that God has healed my eye. My eyes couldn’t believe mine own eyes since I could see clearly and that too without headache. (Photo with glasses taken before the miracle)

Sis. Jerina candidly says, “I was working as a teacher in India and I had the least interests in coming to Kuwait. But due to my husbands persuasion I agreed and I landed in this wilderness of Kuwait. I had great hopes of getting a good job, since I firmly relied on my educational background of M.A. B.ED. Very soon I learnt that, without the grace of God and His knowledge, every degree certificates are worthless papers. Though we were regularly attending the Catholic Church, once I had been to this church my misled heart could not accept this form of loud worship and prayer. I sought various churches believing God might open a way for me and also in bringing our son down to Kuwait, but all in vain. I again came back to this church and the Holy Spirit began to work in me and I deeply felt that this could be the worship by which I can please God. Then by God'’ grace I got a job and then as we had desired my only son is also living with us. All glory to God on high!

They say with one accord that they would be faithful to the Lord for all the miraculous deeds that he has done in their lives. We as a church Praise God for this family and Pray that they might become mighty witnesses for the one who called them.


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