I am from a tradition Lutheran Christian Family. Early days I use to dislike Pentecostal Christians because of their type of worship and also I myself did not know the truth properly. I thought that what we are following is right. However, there was a devotion and fear of God within me. I always use to pray to the Lord for small and great matters.
During the course of time, after my Higher Secondary studies, according to the plan of God I was taken to Madras for my Nursing course studies. More over, by God’s grace I secured my nursing seat in Madras Medical College by Merit. There I studied staying in the Hostel. In the Hostel there was an Assemblies of God prayer cell. In our batch we were three Christian students who were nominal Christians. We were avoiding to join the prayer cell and to go to any church worship for about 6 months. But when the appointed time of the Lard came to pass, I was put in a compulsion to go to A.G. Church worship along with the prayer cell members. There the Lord revealed me His great Love through the songs and scripture versus.
That love is unchanging and cannot be given by anyone else. It is an abundant Love that gives comfort. I tasted that Love on that day, and am still tasting it. That day, 8th September 1991, I committed myself to the Lord. Then, I surrendered for Baptism. Even though there were some opposition from my family circle, the Lord protected me.
He gave me His promise through the verse in
Among our relatives we were the only family who are Christians. We prayed for my other family members. Now, by God’s grace 7 families have come to the Lord and are worshiping in truth and sprit. Also a spiritual church has come up.
On 20th April 2001 the Lord blessed me by giving a life Partner and enabled me to Praise God and worship Him. I praise and thank God who by His abundant grace enabled me to have fellowship in this congregation. I close my testimony by giving all glory, honour and praise to His name.