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Bro. Sunny's Family

THE COVENANT: "Whose Right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before Him and to strip kings of their armor, to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut: I will go before you and will level the mountains"; - ISAIAH 45:1-2.

Greetins to all in Jesus Name from ‘THE REGINALDS’. It’s a privilege to share our testimony in the Church. So we thank and Praise God. Both of us are born and brought up in Families where upholding Jesus Christ the most was taught and practiced. Elder brother of both of us are licensed Church Pastors and Elder Sister of Sunny is a Missionary among the handicaps in India as-well-as abroad. Strictness of following the precepts and commands of the Word of God was at the highest lever. Punishment was intense when could not recite memory verses and chapters from the Psalms and other Portions of the Word of God.

Respecting the Pastors, God’s servants’ i.e. (Evangelists, Lay Preachers, Elders etc.,) was un-conditional. Such was our background we were being brought up with and held on to them, like holding the mosaic laws. Life was wonderful like going to church each Sunday morning, taking part in the Church activities etc., days of our life was rolling by rather smoothly because we were on the worldly, sinful side.

Until one day we came back to our senses that life is void, senseless, unfruitful – something is missing – life was meaningless and without a purpose. It was like chasing the wind. In God’s own time He sought and found both of us at different time intervals at different places by His love and word. When we were in the miry clay, the Lord helped us to set our feet on the Rock (i.e. the word of God) to stay and gave us a fresh understanding of the word of God.

He filled and Baptized us in the Holy Spirit and gave us a new vision of winning souls for Christ. Gave us new aim and goal in life to be at the centre of God’s will at all times, at all places and at all situations and a new spiritual promise – Ezekiel 3:5 ‘You are not being sent to a people of obscure speech and difficult language, but to the house of Israel.’

Diana and Sunny got married on 27th Dec 1993. God thru’ His promises gave us 3 children. Nicky, Richy & Becky.

Through our Testimony we encourage you to go out to the unreached, unbelievers and tell them about the love of Jesus Christ and bring them to the Church. That is the greatest ministry you will do for the Lord.

We bless this family in the greatest Name on Earth, Jesus Christ. We pray God to lighten many souls through this family by the works they do, for the One who chose them to serve Him.


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