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Bro. D. Wilfred's Family

"For he that is mighty has done to me great things and Holy is His name".....Luke 1:49.

Praise the Lord, Though I was borm to Christian Parents, who were serving the Lord, I loved a nominal Christian life. God has brought to me to this Land miraculously when I was very young.

On 13th may 1987, I was married to Nesabai, who as here in Kuwait. On 3 rd april 1988, God has blessed us with a daughter Ania Cynth Wilfred, who in in ninth std now. Was very sick , the day she was born, she had stuggled for life. God has given her new life by His mercy and grace according to Isaah 54:10 From this day God changed our life and we started going to Full Gospel prayer fellowship worship service.

In 1989 Oct 20 th God has blessed us again with a son named Aldwin Davis Wilfed. As psalms 86:13 says,For great is Your mercy towards us. When we look back our life God has done greater things as Job 5:9.

We both came to Kuwait without any thing but God blessed us so much blessings for which we are notworthy as Jacob says in gen 32:10.

As long as we live we praise and give glory and honor His name ps 146: 1,2.

We are thankful to God who is mighty, and the church. As Joshua says me and my house will serve the Lord.


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