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Article 1


Now you know what you think about God. What do you suppose God thinks about you?
Can you write that in twenty words?

This is not a popular question. Imagining what God thinks about us is not our most sought after thrill.
In the past, our primary efforts were directed toward keeping God at bay.

Responses to this question run from one extreme to the other. On one end a few say, "I have been so bad,
God could never accept me. Surely God has turned my portrait toward the wall. There is little for me to write,
and I can put that into four words: I am too bad!"

At the other extreme are a few who insist they have never done anything really wrong. "After all," these
confide, "I have never been in jail. Surely God thinks I am O.K. I can write that with only three words:
I am fine."

In the middle, many think, "I do the best I can. What more could God expect? Lots of people live lives worse
than me. I am sure he accepts me as I am. In two words I say: I try."

The most common belief is that God judges us by our acts and our behavior. But, we imagine the good works
necessary to fully please God will take too much attention and effort. To many, living with both eyes
on God seems irrelevant, foolish, detrimental to happiness, and unnecessarily stressful.

Regardless of our self-image, none of us want to have our secrets reviewed on the front page of our local
newspaper. We have all done some things that are embarrassing. God knows about those events.
We imagine those events are the basis of what God thinks about us. So why hurry to read his list?

We suppose that someday, sometime in the future, we will consider God's opinion more seriously.
Until then we say, "Let's get on with the business at hand. There are decisions to make, bills to pay,
and fun to be had. Because God knows me, he understands how busy I am. He will forgive me."