Harmony Special K's 2001 News
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18 January, 2001
Visit David Sjöberg's great Nick Zedd site.

04 January, 2001
Harm Of Will

Harmony wrote the lyrics to a song featured on Björks's "Domestika" album, which will be released possibly in May 2001. The song is titled "Harm Of Will," and the lyrics are as follows:

if there's a troubador washing
it is he
if there's a man about town
it is he
if there's one to be sought
it is he
if there are nine she's
they are bought for me
this way is as is she
and he placed her unclothed longlegged
on top of the family tree
and if he has chosen the point while she is under him
then leave her coily placed crouched sucking him
for it is i
with her on knee
i leave her without pith or feel
and leave her be
leave it be for he controls what there´ll be
he makes his face known to none
for if he is seen then all will
and all will know
know me

I also updated on New Year's Eve.

Harmony Korine