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A Crackup At The Race Riots: A Novel In Pieces

Some useless book description on Amazon.Com describes Harmony Korine's "A Crackup At The Race Riots" like this:

The original Ritalin kid, Harmony Korine burst on the scene with "Kids," a film so gritty and unsettling in its depiction of teen life that it was slapped with an NC - 17 rating and banned in some theatres across the country. In some ways, the media frenzy over the rating overshadowed the harrowing portrait of teenagers destroying their lives and the then twenty - one - year - old screenwriter who created them. "Whether you see the movie as a masterpiece or as sensationalism," wrote Lynn Hirshberg, "The movie is relentless and brilliant and extremely disturbing. It's powerful - both steel - eyed and sexy; horrifying and captivating." Now, in this first book of fictional set pieces, Korine captures the fragmented moments of a life observed through the demented lens of media, TV, and teen obsession. Korine reinvents the novel in this highly experimental montage of scenes that seem both real and surreal at the same time. With a filmmaker's eye and a prankster's glee, this bizarre collection of jokes, half - remembered scenes, dialogue fragments, movie ideas, and suicide notes is an episodic, epigrammatic lovesong to the world of images. Korine is the voice of his media - savvy generation and A Crackup At The Race Riots is the satiric lovechild of his dark imagination.

-- Buy this book at Amazon.Com.
-- Or buy it at Barnesandnoble.Com.
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-- Buy Kids: The Screenplay at Barnesandnoble.Com or at Amazon.Com.

Harmony Korine