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Puzzles Page

5 7 3 3
3 1 1 2
0 4 2 7
6 2 4 9
What's the pattern??

50% of the people in Springfield have unlisted phone numbers.
If you pick 500 people at random from the phonebook,
how many will have unlisted numbers??

Joe and Moe bet on hockey games.
It's $1 a games and there are no ties.
Joe won seven dollars and Moe won three games.
How many games did they bet on?

If you walk 1000 km North, turn 90° to the right,
walk 1000 km that way, turn 90° right,
and walk 1000 km that way, where will you be?

Which is heavier? A kilogram of pucks or a kilogram of sticks?

Six water glasses are in a row. The first 3 are full, and the last 3 are empty.
How can 1 glass be moved so that full glasses and empty glasses alternate?

After the hockey game, Joe, Moe, and Bo had a meal.
Joe brought 5 donuts and Moe brought 3 donuts but Bo didn't bring any.
They shared the donuts equally. After the meal, Bo left $8 at the table.
How should Joe and Moe share the $8?

You go to a deserted, completely black cabin with a match.
Inside the cabin are a torch, a candle, and a fireplace.
What should you light first?

What word is always pronounced incorrectly?

Pronounce "t-o", "t-o-o", and "t-w-o".
Now pronounce the second day of the week.
What do you say?

There are 3 lamps in the room. There are 3 switches outside the room.
You are outside the room. How can you tell which switch is for which
lamp if you are only allowed to go in the room once?

On the way to a water hole a zebra met 6 giraffes. Each giraffe
had 3 monkeys hanging from his neck. Each monkey had 2 birds on
its tail. How many animals were going to the water hole?

Tom's mom has three kids one is named nickel, one is named penny.
What is the name of the third kid?

What gets wetter as it dries?

You dig a hole in a rate of 1 metre square per 5 minutes
until the hole is 24.8 metres long, 15 metres wide, and 1.16 metres deep.
How much soil is in the hole?

The two circles in the middle are the same size!

The Stroop Test


Your task is, not to read the words,
but to say aloud the colours of those words as fast as you can.

How do you make 1+1 =10?
(if 10 is base 2)
How do you make 1+1 =11?
(if you use fingers)
How do you make 1+1 =111?
(if your vision is impaired)