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Let's play a game. It's called, "what your imagemistress can do for you."
 Take a look at the two pictures. Do you see a difference? Probably not at first, anyway. The differences are subtle. But they might mean the difference between a good page and a GREAT page.
 Most people can put together a page these days (and if you don't want to do it, I know of someone that would be more than happy to help you out). But most people do not have the means to hire a professional photographer. That's where your imagemistress comes in.
 In most cases, its a garden hose that was left in plain view that you would like to get rid of. Or in the case above, lights and shadows that detract from the original focus of the image; the logo and the phone number. The telephone cables detract from the balanced flow of the picture, and a truck drove by at an inopportune moment into the left of the frame. Oh, and we want to take out those pesky lights. Your imagemistress can clean up this image for you, ALL FOR A FRACTION OF THE COST IT WOULD TAKE FOR A PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER TO RESHOOT AND PRINT THE IMAGE. That way you can spend more money on what you really need, like a good web page designer (hint-hint!) Most of all, why throw away the opportunity to use the picture you really want and already have, just because of an errant garden hose in the background. Do the smart thing and get your imagemistress to clean up your images for you.
 Your imagemistress can create countless top-quality images for whatever our image needs may be. Call or email today for a free price quote.

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