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Indigenous couple of Naniachar attack

When whole country was celebrating the victory day of the country on 16 Dec 2014, Bangladesh army backed Muslim settlers attacked indigenous people in Bagachari area of Naniarchar to evict them from their traditional land. 50 indigenous houses, 7 shops and 1 Buddhist temple were destroyed.

Indigenous couple picking up pieces after Bangladesh army backed Muslim settlers attacked them on 16 December 2014.

Bangladesh army detain an indigenous Buddhist family in Bilaichari

On 29 March 1993, Bangladesh army from Chongrachari camp led by Maj. Hasim launched a military operation at Farua in Bilaichari, Rangamati district.

Bangladesh army surrounded the house of Longa Tongchongya and intended to arrest him. But Longa Tongchongya was not at home. Failing to capture him, Bangladesh army detained following members of his familyt and took them to army camp for interrogation and torture.

  1. 19 year old son of Mr. Longa Tongchongya
  2. Miss. Kanoli Tongchongya (14) daughter of Mr. Long Tongchongya
  3. Rampuk Tongchongya (38)
  4. a son of Rampuk Tongchongya
  5. a widow


PCJSS(Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti)
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