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Sujata Chakma
On 9 May 2012 Bangladesh army backed Muslim settlers raped and killed an indigenous Buddhist girl Miss. Sujata Chakma (11) daughter of late Mr. Jyotish Chandra Chakma and Ms. Mongala Devi Chakma of Ultachari area of Atarakchara union under Longadu sub-district in Rangamati district. The victim was a student of year 4 of Ultachari Government Primary School. Muslim settlers killed the girl by mutilating on the neck with a sharp weapon.

Bengali settler attempts to rape an indigenous Buddhist girl in Baghaichari

On May 2, 1995, a Muslim settler laborer named Mohammad Saidul Islam attacked Miss Mongala Rani Chakma, the daughter of the late Nagar Chan Chakma while she was returning home after shopping at Karengatali Bazaar in Baghaichari, Rangarati district. The Muslim settler laborer was working at construction site of Razachari Primary School under the jurisdiction of Baghaichari, Rangarati district.

The Muslim settler attempted to rape her. She resisted the Muslim settler rapist with all her might. At the same time she screamed for help. Fortunately some indigenous Buddhist people heard her cry for help, rushed to the spot and rescued her from the grip of Muslim settler rapist. They handed over the culprit to Mohammad Rashid Ahmed, a member of Bangaltali Union Council for taking punitive actions. It is not known what action if any was taken against the Muslim settler rapist.

In 1947, India was partitioned on the basis of religion. In 1947, 98.5% of the CHT population was non-Muslim. The indigenous people of CHT opted to join either India or Burma. But Muslim League conspired with the Boundary Commission and illegally annexed CHT with East Pakistan in violation of the principle of partition. Successive Bangladesh governments have been sponsoring Muslim settlers from plain land to dilute the indigenous people of CHT. Bangladesh army's role is to protect the Muslim settlers and carry out ethnic cleansing against indigenous people in CHT.

Bangladesh army and Muslim settlers use rape as a tool to terrorize the indigenous people of Chittagong Hill Tracts. Bangladesh army is involved in rape, murder, torture and land grabbing in Chittagong Hill Tracts. Bangladesh army is driving out indigenous people from Chittagong Hill Tracts and settling Muslim settlers in their villages. Their aim is to Islamize Chittagong Hill Tracts by rape and terror.


PCJSS(Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti)

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