Terror in CHT |
Bengali settler attempt to rape an indigenous Tripura girl in MatirangaOn 26 August 2015, a Muslim settler broke into a house to rape a 16 years old indigenous Tripura girl in Matiranga, Khagrachari district. The incident occurred at 2:00 am when Mohammad Gazol Hossain (40) entered the room where the victim and her younger brother were sleeping. The brother awoke after hearing sounds of Gazol’s footsteps and saw him. The Muslim settler lives in a rented house near their house at Chowdhury Para in Matiranga town. The boy awoke his sister and screamed, drawing a crowd of indigenous boys living nearby. But by then Gazol had run away. Next day indigenous youths caught Gazol, but the police took him under their protection. Indigenous youths alleged that the police were searching for them in connection with ‘catching’ Gazol. They fear that the police may use the incident to harass them. Sources:chtnews.comcomments powered by Disqus |