Terror in CHT |
Bengali settlers grab indigenous Buddhist land in MahalchariOn 15 November 2015, Muslim settlers grabbed 20 acres of indigenous land in Mahalchari, Khagrachari district. At night Muslim settlers built 8 houses on a patch of land lying between Ultachari and Korollyachari and have been staying there under the Bangladesh army protection since then. The land belong to 2 indigenous brothers Birobol Chakma and Nikhil Kumar Chakma. The land was registered with the government in their names in 1966. India was partitioned on the basis of religion in 1947. 98.5% of the CHT population was non-Muslim during the partition. The indigenous people of CHT opted to join either India or Burma. But Muslim League conspired with the Boundary Commission and illegally annexed CHT with East Pakistan in violation of the principle of partition. Successive Bangladesh governments have been sponsoring Muslim settlers from plain land to dilute the indigenous people of CHT. Bangladesh army's role in CHT is to protect the Muslim settlers and carry out massacre, land grab, rape, religious persecution and ethnic cleansing against indigenous Buddhist, Hindu and Animist people in CHT. Bangladesh army and Muslim settlers use rape as a tool to terrorize the indigenous people of Chittagong Hill Tracts. Bangladesh army is involved in rape, murder, torture and land grabbing in Chittagong Hill Tracts. Bangladesh army is driving out indigenous people from Chittagong Hill Tracts and settling Muslim settlers in their villages. Their aim is to Islamize Chittagong Hill Tracts by rape and terror. Bangladesh army restricts access to Chittagong Hill Tracts to foreign media and tourists. According to IWGIA, Bangladesh army and DGFI train and harbour Islamic extremists in CHT to launch terrorist attack against Myanmar. Sources:chtnews.comcomments powered by Disqus |