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Cordobes Princess
(Rorbeck Cordobes x Mitzi)

May 19, 1983 - November 22, 2000

"My treasures do not ching together or glitter. 
They gleam in the sun and neigh in the night." 
 -old Arab proverb 

 Don't Cry for the Horses

Don't cry for the horses that 
Life has set free,
A million white horses
Forever to be.

Don't cry for the horses
Now in God's hands,
As they dance and they prance
To a heavenly band.

They were ours as a gift
But never to keep,
As they close their eyes
Forever to sleep.

Their spirits unbound
On silver wings they fly,
A million white horses
Against the blue sky.

Look up into heaven
You'll see them above,
The horses we lost
The horses we loved.

Manes and tails flowing
They gallop through time,
They were never yours,
They were never mine.

Don't cry for the horses
They will be back someday.
When our time has come
They will show us the way.

On silver wings they will lift us
To the warmth of the sun
When our life is over
And eternity has begun. 
We will jump the sun
And Dance over the moon,
A ballet of horses and riders
On the winds to a heavenly tune. 

Do you hear that soft nicker
Close to your ear?
Don't cry for the horses
Love the ones that are here.

Don't cry for the horses
Lift up your sad eyes,
Can't you see them
As they fly by? 

A million white horses
Free from hunger and pain,
Their spirits set free
Until we ride again.

 Letting Go

Close by the stall door she passed to stand
As she took his halter in her hand.
All who were watching didn't dare speak
As a silent tear ran down her cheek.
All through her mind memories ran,
Of the times they walked his ears pricked forward to her future plan.
But now his eyes look cold...
She'll never ride him again or have his precious head to hold.
All were silent as she bent down near,
To whisper "I love you" in his ear.
In touching his face she started to cry,
She looked at his halter and wanted to die.
And just as the wind began to blow,
She watched his spirit gallop off through the snow.

"The choice of one's horse oft' times reflects circumstance as well as the inspiration and dreams of the horseman.  But, there are few who have seen the Arabian in full stride, or beheld the depth of his dark eye who could deny that they have fleetingly sensed the swaying palms of the oasis, and briefly heard the eternal sigh of lonely desert winds.  Is it just imagination, or is there something more to this remarkable animal who openly displays his affinity for man?"

-Gladys Brown Edwards, "Know the Arabian Horse"

Please Don't Cry

How sad for you all
When you look in my stall,
And no longer see
Where I used to be.

But please do not cry,
My Sprit is alive.
And it’s only on earth
That my life is through.
So here is my message,
My message for all of you.

I felt such love
And warm hands on my sides.
I nuzzled my Mom’s neck
As she tried not to cry.

And as you all
Started to pray,
I wanted to tell you
It would be okay.

I saw this amazing light
Brighter than day,
And then horses with wings
Showed me the way.
I was feeling so strong
As I galloped along.
When all of a sudden,
In this center of light
I saw a green pasture
Bigger than life.

The horses with wings
That sparkled like gold,
Said: “Hey Beautiful,
Princess, Behold..........”

There was my Creator
Encircled by light,
Showing me my everlasting life.
With horses gathering at His side, 
I knew right away I hadn’t died.

So try not to cry
And please rest assured,
I will be waiting for you
With my Heavenly Herd.

"A horse is the projection of peoples' dreams about themselves - strong, powerful, beautiful - and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence."

-Pam Brown

The Arabian Horse

When God decided to create the horse, he spoke to the south wind:
"Condense yourself: I shall make of you a new creature to honor my saints, to demean my enemies, as a tribute to those who obey my command."
The south wind said:  "Create it, Oh God!"
Then God took a handful of the south wind, breathed over it and created the horse.  He said: "Your name shall be Arabian.  Let goodness be bound to your forelock and bounty to your back.  I have favored you over all other beasts of burden.  I have made your owner your friend.  I have given you the power to fly without wings!"

-author unknown

Give Me The Strength

God give me the strength and wisdom to know,
When it is time to let my baby go.
Give me the courage to have enough heart to be 
Able to let go and give her life a new start.

Help me through the tears and pain 
And make me see I will smile again.
The memories I hold deep in my heart
Will never leave, will never part.

I love my baby so much you know,
I watched her from a baby grow.
How do I say goodbye to this
And all the things I know I'll miss?

But if your love is strong and true
When that time comes you'll know what to do.
Our selfish side will say "Oh no, you must not
Leave, you cannot go.  I need you here with me so bad,
I can't let go it will be too sad".
But in my Heart I know what's right--
To set you free, to give you flight.

I know someday at the bridge we'll meet
And our reunion will be so sweet.
For all my life until my end, I will remember you
My loving friend.

I know you'll be waiting patiently for me to join 
You one fine day.
And we'll be forever together to stay.

So God please, now please help me through
The painful thing that I must do.

It's an act of love, though painful, yes true. 
But I do it out of my love for you.  

As you close your eyes and pass on through.
You're taking a part of my heart with you.

Goodbye my love, for now we part,
You will always be inside my heart.

You are listening to "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion.

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