
The following is from snoborderchik

Well four of my friends and I showed up at the Reno Hilton around 4 and bought tickets. Then we went down to the tennis Pavilion where they would be playing to check out the line, well there wasn't really one. Some little kids with their mom, so my friend Val's cousin paid them a dollar to save our place, and we'd be back at 6ish when they open the doors. So my four friends and I went to Hot Topic to spice up our outfits. Us three girls wore tiny shirts. So we got back around 5:30 and they don’t open the doors until 6:30 so we had an hour to kill. We were lucky and had just got there to see A.J. He signed me and my other girl friends stomachs. Amanda kissed his cheek and I autographed his hand, and we got our picture took wit him. By the way those kids did save our spots. Someone blew up a few condoms and we were boppin those around in the air. Well our other friends showed up, so a few of us went out to the car to have a few shots Well on our way out the Tower Records Guy was getting stuff out of his van and one of my friends and I asked him if he had any spare CD’s. So he gave us each two or three Demo’s. We decided against the shots and we went back inside. Well Val’s Cousin decided he would try and fit a condom on his head for a free Lit CD from a Radio station. He didn’t succeed, but he still got the CD. I got a free poster and T-shirt from another radio station. Then Amanda, Val, and I decided we would do a three way kiss for a Free Lit CD and damn did that ever work. Also my friend Amanda and Josh found $44 dollars outside, so they practically got their tickets for free. Then when the doors opened we got to go inside and sit around for and hour and half for the concert to start. So I sawe the tower records guy again an asked him for more CD’s . So Amanda Val and I did another three way kiss and he got a picture, so if you don’t believe me you can look him up… well while we were waiting we played 5 fingers, and if you don’t know, well It’s not that important so I wont explain it. Well The concert started on time, and I was up there in front, getting smashed beyond belief, but I still had the time of my life. LIT was Very Very Awsome, I love them.

The following is from Amy

well my name is amy and i live in IL and me and my friend ann had a great day jammed packed full of l hanging out with lit it was back in september when they where on the campus invasion tour with garbage and we had gotten invited to a lit house call where we were the only to people on the guest list because there was no guest list untill we got our connections with lit and there we were sitting in the house of a total stranger and so had no idea that other people where going to show up and so the Lit bus was already there and we were awaiting for the opening of there door and i walked outside and kevin had started of the bus first and he said to me hay how u doin like 5 times and i was like good and u great to see u guy' again adn he was like kewl and so ann and i walked back inside of this stranger marry's house and than came in jeremy allan and last but not least ajay well we couldnt belive that we were stitting on a couch just chillin with the guy's and allan was kinda nervis u could tell cause he woulndt really talk to u but any how they did there signing and than they headed out side to the back yard where the preformed for us and half of the neghborhood and so they asked what song did we want to hear and ann nd i screamed mMONEY we want to hear MONEY so they played it happily but not before they asked us how we had gotten ahold of that song and there's nothin like imports from tower records and so they played for about an hour and than they signed more autographs and jeremy said bye guy's see you later tonight at the show but we told him that we didnt have tickest and he said hold on no later that 5mins later he came back and said dont worry just come i got u guys hooked up for tonight so there we were off o the campus invasion show we waited and waited for the doors to open and than we watched LIT preform at the most mellowest crowed but i guess it was because it was a collage but any how we only watch Lit and didnt stay for garbage for we were on another mission and that was to find jeremy and thank him for getting us into the sjow that night and we found rob {roadie for all that dont know} and he said well i'll see what i can do for u and like 15 20 mins later he said yeh they said it was ok and he told us where the bus was parked and so we walked for atleast for two blocks and as we walked we were trying to decide on who was going to knock on the door and ann said noooooo i wont do it so i knocked on the door and kevin said hey guys come on in so we sat there with the guys and moondog ,wounderboy , rob and tonywe talked about all kinds of things most people couldnt imagin rockstars and fans could talk about like child abuse and spous abuse and what we thought of it and we were there for 3 hours and lost track of time and it was 1:00 in the morning and my mom had no idea where i was because she was waiting in teh cafe reading a book while we where partying with LIT well when she had gotten tired she started to look for us and she asked campus secrurtey where was the bus and they told her that it left already to missourri and that would have been kewl and all but my mom would have been pissed and so an hour after the serach began they found us and we were there for almost another hour with my mom chillin with us on the bus it was great my mom was so kewl she invited them over for dinner the next time they r in town and they said yes jeremy and ajay were so happy that they were going to have a hot meal the next time they were in town so i cant waite until they come back

The following is from Erika

ok. about the reno show....... :)
it was so great! i got front and center!!!!!! my first time being in the front row AND in the center! hehe i've been in the second row in the center, and front row on the side, but never front and center! hehe k sorry...i was just really happy :) aw and i threw my bracelet on the stage, and ajay saw me throw it so he went to look for it, but it was black and so was the stage, so he didn't see it. damn. he picked up this white necklace that was on the ground instead and thought that was it, :( oh the end of the show it wasn't there anymore, so he still could have gotten it later.

k....the show.....they played all the songs from apits (except for the best is yet to come undone, i htink....correct me if i'm wrong...i just don't remember them playing that) and they played BITTER (woohoo! i' love that song! first time i've heard it live, too!) and they played chain of fools and money....both songs i've never heard, and they're both great!!!!!

the guys...they all looked really good. especially ajay(i'm not biased or anything lol) he was wearing a creme colored suit with a black shirt...hehe we kinda matched...i was wearing khakis and a black shirt.:) but later he took off the shirt and jacket cuz he was wearing a wifebeater underneath...and at teh VERY end of the show, he took off the wifebeater too! woohoo! hehe that's the first time he's done that at a show i've gone to (and i've gone to 4!!!!!). but they alll looked good. (of course)

k...afterwards.......MOONDOG IS SO GREAT!!! i met him afterwards (for the first time) and i asked if i could go backstage. and he said he wasn't sure cuz they had to go to vancouver, but he said he'd see what he could do and to wait i did..and he came back and said that i couldn't go backstage :( but that he could take my pics (from warped-me and jer, me and ajay, me ajay and allen, and from the kwod show - kevin onstage) and get their autographs for me. so that was cool cuz they each wrote little comments on them...and even though i've gotten their autographs at all the other shows i've gone to, i never got them with my name on them. :)

i'm still a little disappointed that i never got to meet them....but i totally understand cuz they had to leave soon and stuff. time... LOL but yeah...that was by far the best lit show i've seen. :)

The following is from Ashley

so my friend ashley and i (also ashley) showed up at the bren events center at 12:40. we parked you buns down in line and we were about the fifth people in line. we knew that it was going to be a long day because the doors didn't open till about 7:00 pm. ok, so we sat around for a long time and we did mtv volunteer stuff to stay busy. ashley and i saw kel and we talked for a while and we saw kevin. kel had talked to him earlier (because she works there) and told him how she, ashley and i got the band a present. he said that he remembered me (and i hoped that we would) and so i went and talked to him w/ ash. we did the usual signature/ picture/ talking thing and allen came a few minutes later so we did the same to him. they went inside to warm up or something so we went back to passing out stuff. kevin came out 15 minutes later and asked if we could pass out lit flyers for them. i would do anything for them, so we took the flyers happily and he told us to find him after the concert and he would give us lit tee shirts. we were like "yes! kick ass!" so time went on and then we were inside. i was scared because kel had my camera... and she was no where do be found. luckily she showed up and everything was ok. so lit started and they were awesome!! they even filmed miserable while they played it because they were going to use the footage for their video. they played it twice actually! it was weird though because the video guy was on me a lot! so anyway, we were on the right side of the stage because i always have to be in front of favorite person in the band... and he played soo good. the threw guitar pics at me off the stage and i caught two of them. i'll let kel talk about a. jay and his huge belt buckle... real funny story. it was really cool though because towards the end of the concert, lit's managers and producers can up on stage and gave them their gold and platinum album awards. it was so neat and i was soo proud of them. then they played their last song and at the end a. jay felt compelled to jump off a speaker and try to crowd surf. after the show he was really funny because he was saying how he didn't want to hurt anyone... but i don't think that anyone would have cared! they would be happy to break an arm in order to touch him! so after lit played ashley, kel and i went to our cars to get our little lit posters we had and to get sweat shirts because it was cold outside. we went to the bus area and waited forever to meet them. a. jay came out first and we talked to him and got photos... then we did the same to jeremy and kevin, and i even got ahold of allen before he left. now... a lot happened within that time... so i'll try to summarize. nate (or as he would prefer to be called) nate-dog was an exact clone of this guy that i liked. we were talking to him and he is the cousin of jeremy and a. jay. we were telling him how we wanted to talk to kevin and he was joking around and asking why he should and stuff. i said that he looks just like this guy that i think is really cute... and he was like "so you think i'm ugly?!?" and i was totally confused and was telling him how he was cute because he looks like this guy that i like... but i don't think that eh believed me. well, he got kevin out and he was soo nice to all of us. ashley took a picture w/ allen and he gave her a kiss on the cheek during it! i was majorly jealous. and we took a picture with "wonder boy" also known as brian. jeremy told us to call him by his full name, and we did... and he was soo upset at us! it was really funny. if you don't know who he is... wonder boy is the hot sound check guy that has really cool tattoos and leopard shoes that are really cool. so, kevin took us backstage and ashley and i saw sherley, the lead singer from garbage, and she was soo beautiful. she has such a natural beauty that i love and she is so petite. kevin took us into the "locker room" where lit kept all their stuff and we hung out there for a while. we got to meet jeremy's wife and she was really nice. jeremy was a crack up though because he had all this stuff in his hands and he was trying to open up a box of life cereal, but he couldn't so ashley did for him. the rest of the night he was eating them, but more hit the floor than his mouth. it was amusing. so wonder boy got us our long sleeve lit shirts like kevin said he would... i love you for it kevin! so that was pretty much our night.

The following is from Lori Erickson

Ok Ok, i went to see Lit in concert on the 29th with garbage! and let me tell u that it kik'd soo much ass! Lit is the best band in the whole wide world! and the best part of the night is when i got to met the band! all cept kevin :( ajay kissed me and i hugged and kissed all of them. They are the sweetest guys ever. Garbage played a kik ass concert too. If i tell any one to go to a concert i will tell u to see lit. the sound is great and they put on a kik show! Ajay jumps around and sings great. allen plays drums (you feel the beat in yer heart) jeremy plays guitar soo great i wish i could play guitar now! and kevin kix ass! hes the bass player and he is soooooo good! at one point they let him have like a solo and he just rip'd it all up! i just wanted to run up there and hug him and kiss him and ask him to marry me! i love lit with all my heart the totaly rawk! soo if u ever wanna go to a gooood kik ass concert go see lit er garbage..u will b blown away!

The following is from Sara

review of Campus Invasion Tour:
Alright here we go. I went to the opening show here in Denver on Wedensday night. Well, my best friend and I got there relly early, like 11am, there was only one other person there besides us and they were there to see Garbage. So anyways, we go inside and go find where our seats are going to be and when we find them we see A.Jay, Kevin and Jeremy standing in the middle of the floor checking out the stage. I just kinda stood there and stared and than I waved at them and they waved back. A few minutes later they disappeared into their dressing rooms so we just went and walked aroung for a little bit and then we went back and watched everything that was going on from behind a gate that was locked, but you could still see everything perfectly. So anyways, Lit comes back out and they are getting ready to do their soundcheck and stuff and we just stood there and watched. So we saw their soundcheck and after they were done we saw Kevin walking up the stairs toward us, we thought he was just going to come up to the gate and walk through, but he was coming up to talk to us!!! He told us that he had seen us standing there for like 2 hours so he thought that he would come up and say hi, I was soooo stoked!!!! So we stood there and talked for a few minutes and than he went down and got us both a bass pic of his and a guitar pic from Jeremy, now I have 5 pics from them!!!!! He signed his pic and stuff and signed my ticket and some other stuff and then he had to go shower and stuff and he sent Allen up. So we talked to Allen for a while and than he had to go do his stuff too so we styed there and just hung out for a while. About 30 minutes later Jeremy came up, he has blue hair by the way, and we were talking to him and A.Jay was walking across the floor and Jeremy called him up to talk to us too, so we stood there and talked to Jeremy and A.jay for a few minutes, they signed our stuff and went on their way. So for the rest of the day we just hung out, we watched Garbage do their soundcheck and than the security guards made us go outside to wait in line. Well a couple hours later they opened the doors and of course we got front row right in front of Jeremy, for some reason at every single show I have been to, four to be exact, I have been front row in front of Jeremy, that is just how it always works out for some reason. So anyways, they put on a really good show, despite some speaker problems or something and they had to cut their set short like 5 minutes becuase of it, but otherwise, they were great as always!!! So anyways, I really didn't feel like getting trampled by all the Garbage fans so I got out from behind the baricade before Garbage came on and went down to the very end of the baricade to watch Garbage. There was barely anyone standing there so it a cool place to be, it was still front row, just down at the very end. Garbage came on stage, they put on a really good show, and while they were on Kevin came out and we started talking again. He went backstage to get another beer and I started talking to Allen. Allen did the same thing and than Jeremy came out. Jeremy and I were talking for a few minutes and than of course he went back to get another beer. A few minutes later I see Jeremy walk out with one of their roadies and they are talking and I see Jeremy point to me. Than his roadie, I think his name was Tony or something like that, came up to me and handed me two backstage passes. He told me that Jeremy wanted me and my friend to come backstage and hang out with them for a little bit, so I handed my friend her pass and we walked backstage. The girl standing next to me just about had a heart attack and was like that is not fair, oh well, I'm special and you are not!!! Just kidding!!! So anyways, we walk back to their dressing room with Jeremy and we walk in and Allen is sitting on the couch and so is Wonderboy (one of their tech guys, very hot I might add!!) and Rob (merch guy!) We meet all of them and Jeremy asks us if we want a beer, so we say sure and I sat down on the couch next to Allen and we just sat their and talked for awhile. A.Jay and Kevin weren't back there, no one knew where they were, but it was really cool anyways. Jeremy was talking about his flame shoes that he has and while we were in there he called the guy up that makes them for him and ordered a new pair. My friend and I were the first to know that he is getting a pair of white on white flame shoes, this will be his seventh pair. They are going to be a white patent leather shoe with a regular white leather flame on them, cool huh!!! So anyways, we walked out to the bus with them a little while later and A. Jay was out there but Kevin wasn't. We hung out with them while they signed autographs and stuff. Kevin finally showed up and gave me a big hug and told me thanks for coming and shit like that. So we were still hanging out at the bus just shootin the shit and talkin and stuff. The security cleared everyone out except us and we just talked for a while. They had to get going because they had to leave at 6 am yesterday morning to fly to LA to tape the NFL show and the Martin Short show so we let them leave. They gave us both big huge hugs and we told them that we are coming to the show in Arizona on the 20th of November and they A.Jay told us that we were supposed to find them when we got down there and we are going to hang out with them again while we are down there. Oh my gosh, that night was the most awesome night I have ever had in my life and I don't think I will ever forget it. I can't wait until the 20th!!!!!

The following is from Dan

I saw Lit open for Offspring on July 25th, 1999. After watching the Dickies set, which was more like a comedy act than a rock show, I was all pumped up, ready to see Lit. It seemed like hours while they changed the set, but finally, it was the moment I was waiting for. "We welcome Lit, the second hottest band in the world right now!" Before I knew it, the band ran out on stage and Jeremy launched into the opening chords of Four. I was in the third row, about 10 feet from Kevin. Being that Jones Beach has seats and no mosh pit, most people were sitting, except for a few sections of Lit fans. I started off sitting because I felt weird being one of the only ones standing, but I finally stood up halfway during the song. They also played (in no particular order) Down, No Big Thing, Miserable (they let the crowd sing the "you make me come, you make me complete, you make me completely miserable" part in the middle), Zip Lock, My Own Worst Enemy (of course got the biggest reaction--it got everybody on their feet), Happy, and A Place in the Sun. (I might be missing a song or two, sorry!). After what seemed like ten seconds, their set was over. The set was amazing. My only complaint was how short it was. They threw their picks and drum sticks into the crowd, and my friend was lucky enough to get a pick. After Offspring's set, which was also amazing, Jeremy came out from backstage to sign autographs. I guess I was in the right position--I got him to sign my ticket stub (there's a scan of it on the picture gallery of this site). I said to him "awesome set," but I don't think he heard me. Well, what else can I say? Lit puts on a great live show! I hope I get to see them again soon!

The following is from Erynn

Well, the day started off pretty well, I thought that Lit would be playing on the smaller stage, because they were originally a support group... But to my surprise they'd been moved up to the main stage. Since I was the fifth, yes, fifth person through the gates of Leeds Festival 1999 that morning, I literally ran to the main stage and parked myself in front of the short metal gate in front of the stage. There were literally twenty guards waiting there, and so the thought of even attempting to get near the stage was pointless, especially for the rather thin (and not quite so athletic) young woman that I am. So I happily parked myself there until my friends found me, and waited. At twelve, some really dodgy looking technicians walked on stage, and from behind me I heard someone asking; "Is that them?" After my friends and I let off a few high pitched cackles, the lights turned on, and Jeremy took the stage, as did Kevin and Allen. They were playing there trademark "Intro" and a guy next to me angrily shouted "Change chords". As one of the few Americans in the crowd I had to tell him; "Excuse me, they've already played four chords!" The guy disappeared behind me intro the crowd. After the intro A-Jay stepped on stage and the crowd literally shreiked. I was stood directly in front of him and I was singing (at least I tried to sing) along. They played one of their older songs, and I was the only one singing to it. Surprisingly, during Miserable I was kicked in the head numerous times by crowdsurfers! Yes, crowdsurfers! It was funny because about five seconds before they played Miserable I screamed really loudly "PLAY MISERABLE!" When they started it the whole crowd around me started laughing. After that he asked if there were any Americans and I screamed so loud that A-Jay looked down at me and laughed because I was so loud for such a little girl. After Lit had played their set, which, by the way was excellent. They are so awesome live, and you must see them in concert if you haven't and if you have, do so again!! I went to go get some food. Being crushed to death in the pit makes a girl hungry. By a food tent, Melody Maker, a British rock mag, was holding a signing session, there was another band there at the time, but in about and hour and three quarters, Lit was signing. I asked an attendant when I should come back to get in line, and he said; "Get in now or you won't see them at all." So I did. Yes, it was a boring two hours wait, all my friends ran off to go see Sick of it All, and I was so upset I missed their set, but still, I was going to meet Lit! My friends happened to come back right when it was my turn to see them, so they got their signatures, too. I was slightly annoyed to be honest. Jeremy was the first guy I met- he is so short in real life, but he is so nice. He said how nice it was to hear an American voice! Next was Kevin. Kevin is really really hot in real life. Trust me, his pictures do not do him justice, but mine do!! He said how Californian I sounded, and that I reminded him of A-Jay's girlfriend. I asked for a picture, and my male friend shouted "Next she'll be asking for a kiss!" So Kevin gave me a peck on the cheek!. A-Jay was next. He seemed a bit ditsy, possibly stoned, but he was very polite and smiley. He gave me a hug and asked if I was that loud girl in the front with the pink shirt. So they all signed my pink shirt. Allen was the last guy. He seemed really happy and kept asking why I was in England. Also saying how nice it was to hear an American accent.He also asked me how much my tongue piercing hurt. All in all they were the most wonderful guys, just like the guys next door. I would definitely advise anyone to go and see them because they are really fun live, and sound even better than the CD. They have real talent, which is rare in a world of Britney Spears and N'Sync. They are also really down to earth and not the slightest bit full of themselves. Lit truly are awesome.

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