Graduate Programs


The PhD in Literature program aims to develop competent and responsible literary scholars by providing them training in research and literary criticism; opportunities for sustained investigation of aspects of literature and literary history, particularly that of the Philippines; and supervision in the production of research projects that will be vital contributions to the field of literary studies. The program lists a variety of course offerings, allowing the student to shape a personal program of study along any of the following tracks: genre studies, regional literature, literary history, literature and ideas, translation, and textual criticism and bibliography.

Admission Requirements

To qualify for admission to the program, the applicant must have:

*A Master's degree in English or Filipino, or some related field, with a strong background in literature, from a college of good standing.

*Two completed research papers (excluding MA thesis) with a reputable institution.

*A research agenda for the next three years (for submission a week before enrolment).

*Accomplished application form together with two letters of recommendation from former teachers attesting to the applicant's abillity to do doctoral work.

*An interview with the Graduate Committee.

*A reading proficiency in a foreign language other than English and a Philippine language other than Filipino.


The Doctor of Arts (D.A.) degree is the result of a study conducted by the Carnegie Commission of Higher Education in the United States. The Commission concluded that very few teachers working with undergraduates in American universities had specific training as teachers, and much of their doctoral work had little relevance to the course they were actually teaching.

In the Philippines, a similar situation exists. While there are Philippine universitites offering Ph.D. programs in language and/or literature, these programs tend to be designed primarily to train researchers, not teachers nor administrators. Many of these programs, moreover, require full-time residency, a luxury that most Filipino teachers cannot afford. As a result, the vast majority of college language and literature teachers in the country lack a doctoral degree, generally considered the minimum academic qualification for university teaching.

The DALL program is a solution to these problems. Designed for full-time teachers, the program offers extensive and intensive training in research, teaching, and administration. The graduate faculty of language and literature of DLSU ranks among the best in the country in terms of educational background, research track record, national and international visibility, teaching performance, and administrative experience.

The typical DALL graduate is an expert in language and literature studies, an excellent all-around teacher, and a leader in language and literature educational management.

The program aims to train language and literature teachers to be more effective teachers, scholars, and administrators; to provide students with training in theories and methods of research, language teaching, and literary criticism; to provide students with supervised teaching and administrative internships that will give them information about their actual administrative performance; and to enable students to complete research projects that will make substantial contributions to the fields of language and literature studies.

Admission Requirements

Applications for admission will be considered on an individual basis. In particular, the following are requuired:

*Possession of a master's degree in English, Linguistics, Language Education, or some other field directly related to language and/or literature, ncluding evidence of having taken up at least six (6) units of Education or their equivalent.

*Proof of ability to do doctoral work, based on a review of undergraduate and graduate grades and three recommendations from previous teachers.

*An interview with the Graduate Committee.

*Successful teaching experience as attested to by two letters of recommendation from previous or current supervisors.


Courses offered for MALL majors are geared towards the pedagogical application of theoretical principles derived from the fields of linguistics, psychology, sociolinguistics, literary criticism, and other allied disciplines in order to equip teachers with the proper perspective and relevant instructional methodologies that they will need in day-to-day classroom encounters with their students. These courses provide them training in the teaching of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English and are designed to meet the contemporary needs of their students. The curriculum is designed especially for teachers at the tertiary level.

Admission Requirements

*A Bachelor's degree

*A grade point average of B

*Satisfactory test and interview results

Applicants who have not taken at least six (6) undergraduate units of Education will be asked to take additional, non-credit Education units.

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