Midterm Paper (Guidelines)

Guidelines:  Midterm Paper
The Literature Department

You are expected to produce a well-written five-page paper (typewritten/printed out, double spaced) demonstrating your ability (1) to critically analyze and evaluate a novel and (2) relate to the thematic and philosophical concerns of the novel and obtain aesthetic pleasure from a fruitful interaction with the text.

This paper is divided into the following parts:


*Introduction of your thesis.  You must have an idea that you must prove in your paper.
*Brief summary of the novel.
*Background material on the author and the text.


Analysis.  This is the meat of your paper.  This is the part where you will have to prove your thesis using arguments which are valid and logical in that they have a textual basis and must be a product of sound judgement.  You will have to cite scenes or lines from the text (with corresponding page number/s, of course) to prove your point.

If you are going to use the ideas of critics or literary scholars to further prove your point, you must acknowledge your source/s.

Remember the following:

*Avoid didactic statements.
*Avoid making sweeping generalizations.
*Avoid focusing too much on yourself or using your personal stories to prove a point.  Remember that the focus of the paper is the novel, a thorough analysis at that, not your life.  Prove a point using the text itself.


Conclusion.  On this page, you need to recapitulate your main ideas or arguments, bearing in mind that this time, you have to state them more forcefully.  Remember that appeal to reason and keen aesthetic judgement will do the work, not sentimental and patronizing statements like Reading the novel was truly a wonderful experience.  Also note that your introduction and conclusion must jibe.  Be consistent.

Other Guidelines

Use the approved font size:  10 to 12 points.  Use the proper margin:  1”x1”.  Submit on the date and time specified by your teacher.  Late submission merits a 0.0 and failure to submit merits a 0.0 for the final grade.  Submitting less than five pages gets an INC (Incomplete) which then translates into a 0.0.  Other violations of the rules discussed in class merit huge deductions.  Plagiarism is a crime and will be meted out the necessary disciplinary action including a 0.0 for the course.

Important Reminders

The task at hand is not daunting.  It will require mental work from you, but you can do it.  Don’t ever sell yourself short by asking someone else to do the paper for you or by cheating or by copying your classmate’s paper.  You can do it, and you can do it well.  Give it a really good try.


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