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Peggy's Barn!!

Welcome to my new page!!!
My Daughter made this as a surprise for me. So I will attempt to make this interesting. But if you want to see the pro herself, click on her link below! Her name is Nicole and she is talented beyond belief.
Here is My Husband Leo, and Me!
This was taken on a cruise vacation recently.
We have 6 beautiful children between us, and five beautiful grandchildren, Nathan, Amanda, Jennifer, David, and Jessica!!
This one is Nicole's!
Mom, this is from me to you!! Love Niki
Send a Spirit Flower!
Here is Nathan!!
Here is Amanda!
Click on the Grandma says sign below, to get to Amanda's Playroom!! For Kids!!
My Favorite Disney Charactor: Jiminy Cricket!!
Please come back once in awhile. As I get into this I plan to have areas where you can check out health links, cooking, music, sewing, inspiration, flowers, a library, country scenes maybe even some antiques!
My hobbies: Camping, fishing, sewing, cross stitch, reading, and cooking!
I love God! He is always there with me directing me if only I will listen. I try to listen with an open heart and mind because that is the only reason I am here. To grow in Him, unfold myself to an awareness of Him always. I love camping with my husband, nature's beauty surrounds us just like God's love does. I am just a wife, mother and a grandma. Loving every minute (or at least almost every minute, Ha Ha) that I spend with my family and friends. God has blessed us with many loving people to share our lives with, even pen pals.

Here's To Your Health!!!

One of the things we have always known, to stay healthy and young for as long as possible is good nutrition. As you can see Leo loves to eat. He had a Longevity test recently and had results of mild to moderate plaque blockage in the carotid arteries. I searched for ways to help him, (his Dr.'s were no help). I stumbled upon the Rexall's natural nutritional products. One of them is called Bios Life 2. The information said that it lowers cholesterol. We figured we should try it. Leo's cholesterol was 238 when he started. Two weeks later he was tested again and his cholesterol was down to 195! Right then I knew this was good.
I began to research the products and a world of safe, natural, disease preventing nutritionals opened up. If you are allowed to eat, you can take these products, that is how safe they are. Needless to say I became a Distributor so that I could get Leo's products cheaper. I can get them for you at my price also. Leo is on their weight loss program now, so expect to see a new picture of us as he progresses. Nothing works on Leo, so we are overwhelmed with these wonderful results.
We met with a Dr. Bresnahan who is the Cardiologist for the President of the United States, Pope, etc, in the Western Region. He said that "Dr.'s have missed the boat on nutrition. I use the Rexall products at home and in my private practice, because they are cutting edge, they are safe and they work." He isn't the only Dr. finding out about these safe disease preventing products. He uses Cellular Essentials, which clears plaque from arteries--Naturally. These products do not interfere with any prescribed medications. If you want more information just e-mail me at HERE Or visit Rexall's web site Rexall Showcase/ click here!!! to find out about the products. If you like what you see use my Pin # 302605WH. The "WH" at the end will get you the wholesale price. The same price that I pay. Here's to your good health!
Click here to see a cute game with pigs!!
I love E-Mail!!
Click here to email me!
Please sign My Guestbook!
Guestbook by GuestWorld
If you would like to link to me, here!! take my banner here:
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Come adopt your very own Sunbonnet Gal or Sunbonnet Critter at My daughter Nicole's site! Click banner below:
Thank you for coming!! Come back and see us sometime, Ya Hear!
Other songs:( You can click on one to change the song! )
Could I have this Dance? Anne Murray
You Needed Me.. Anne Murray
Peggy Sue
The Chicken Dance!!!
Please don't grab any graphics on this page, they are not ours, you can get your own in the attic!!
Nicole's Attic.... Click here!!
Page created and maintained by Nicole!Nicole's House!Click here!
Credit for graphic=VR MALL, badgers Home page!
This Grandparents Web Ring site is owned by Peggy
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