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Sire, our spies have managed to gather some information about each of your opponents. Read this, and use it wisely.

The Knight

Everybody hates this guy. His voice alone makes me want to kill somebody. The Knight is immature, foolhardy, and daring. He thinks he is 'better' than everyone else, but he really lacks the leadership skills and knowledge needed to take the throne. He takes pleasure in crushing anything he can, whether it be ally, enemy, or rebellion. He will attack constantly, and instantly. He raises armies in such great quantities, that he often has little money left to raise any trained soldiers. To fill his numbers he raises ruffian armies with goals to pillage and sack you before his main fighting force lands. You should take care of the Knight first. He is not good to ally with, he provides little support and often betrays you. When you attack him, try to split his lands down the middle. It makes a quicker conquest and prevents him from raising his massive, yet ill-equipped armies.

The Bishop

The Bishop is a bent over follower of God. Because of this, he thinks that everything should 'just be his'. His blindness here prevents him from seeing the larger goal, and he often will raise peasant armies blessed, yet missing the all important thing called training. Do not mistake him though, for sometimes he will rally massive armies made of pikemen, swordsmen, and archers. He will be tough to ally with, he has god on his side. Much of the time he will use an alliance to buy his time so he can attack you from the inside out. Attack him second. Ally with him at your own risk, but always pressure him in some way.

The Countess

The countess possesses good schooling, patience, and a female attitude that I, being a guy, cannot explain. Her armies are powerful, yet relatively small. She is an expert at prolonged sieges, and delights in hurting her enemies, but not her allies. She will always break an alliance before she attacks you, but she will honor and respect it none-the-less. Ask her to attack, and she usually will, as long as you pay her. Remember she does not raise peasant armies. She often makes a great start, but fumbles later on when she has too much to take care of.

The Baron

A veteran of war and strategy, the Baron will always present a great challenge. He does not delight in victory, he only runs after it because it is a necessity. His armies are large, and sturdy. He likes to supplement his infantry with pikemen, and will lure you into a trap with archers. He will have a light peasantry arm for support of his main force, and knows exactly how to use it wisely. He is the master of storming a castle, and never begins a great conquest until he has a strong castle in each county. He will uphold an alliance. He will support you, attack when you ask, and rarely wants money to do his bidding. Savor his honor, and use him as you wish. Kill him last, as he will stay with you throughout the game.


Peasant envoys represent neutral counties. They will either welcome you to their lands, or threaten you if you do not leave. An envoy commands his defense. He will rally what mercenaries he can, and fills the rest of the military hole with ruffians. He raises archers, pikemen, macemen, and a large body of peasants. They do not attack you, and you cannot ally with them.

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