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Audrey's Banner-Mania

Banners I make for family and friend's
( please be patient with the download )

Banner for my Home page

My dear and close friends Jany and Fred

My special banner for my Mother/Daughter reunion

Bill with his wife and Grandson Skyler. ( and his Chihuahua Pebbles in his hand )

Abanner for the Lobster Party at the Yacht Club each year.

I love nature, so I made this one ( just practicing still )

Made this one as a joke for my cousins husband for when he's in a bad mood..LOL.

This one also for my friend Bill. He has posted this one on his Tripod Web-Site.

This one for my Piano Bar page. ( I will be adding piano keys to it)

Please contact me if you would like to have a personal banner made.