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Beer Pashing and Paparazzi

Ash, Misty, and Brock were lost. Again. (I know, I know, it is a REALLY old idea, but it happens so commonly that I have to use it again.) Once the trio were tired of arguing, they started looking for a place to sit down. That sent them to arguing again about which direction to look. Brock settled it by whacking both of them across the face, which stunned them in to silence while he dragged them to a fallen tree a little way off the path. “Both of you, shut up, sit down, and stay that way until I get done with lunch. Understood?!” Brock snapped. “Yes sir!” they said at the same time. “Good,” Brock said, smiling pleasantly at them. He started looking for some fire wood so he could make donuts. Ash and Misty sat there next to each other staring in to space for about ten minutes. Ash snapped out of his trance, then slumped down again. “Hey Misty, what are we supposed to do until Brock gets back?” He asked. “I dunno,” she replied. “They stared off into the trees for a minute, trying to figure out what to do. “Hey! I know!” said Misty. “Lets talk to the author/ narrator!” “Hey, wait a second, how did I get here? I am the narrator!” “Well we need to do something,” Ash replied. “Well, here I am. Now what?” “What is the point to this story?” Misty asked. “That is for me to know, and you will find out all in good time. HA HA HA.” “Gee, thats comforting,” Ash said sarcastically. “Watch your tongue, unless you want something really unpleasant to happen.” “Like what?” He asked. “Let me put it this way: My imagination has been able to warp some aspects of your little world. I can warp them beyond reckoning. Don’t Mess with me, because I’ve got the power here. Not to mention I can always make someone like Topika fall madly in love with you.” Ash’s eyes got really big, and he uttered a very small “oh.” “Wait a second,” said Misty. “You know damn well that Topika isn’t the worst. Jessie of Team Rocket is probably the worst.” “Yeah, but doing that would be a cruelty to Jessie, and James.” “Whats your point?” “I like them.” “Ah. Okay.” “Hey! I just got an idea for an even worse person than Topika!” “Who?” Misty and Ash asked simultaneously. I grinned evilly. “I am not telling. It is my secret weapon.” “Who is it? Misty?” Ash asked in a pleading tone. “No, not her. You two like each other. It wouldn’t be worth it.” Both of them blushed. Brock walked back into the clearing at that moment. “well, high time I clear out of here,” I said. “Wait, what did you say your name was a gain?” Misty called. “I never told you in the first place. And my name is Tiki*.” “What is with the asterisk at the end?” Ash asked. “It signifies that it is only one of my names.” “Uh... sure!” He said, pretending he knew what I meant. “Whoa, who’s the chick?” Brock said, starting to look dazed. “Uh, gotta go! Byeee!” “Huh? Where’d she go?” he said, starting to search for Tiki*/Me frantically. “She went back to typing the story without her. Lets get on with lunch,” Misty said. Brock got a slightly puzzled look on his face, then continued with cooking. As he was serving donuts, he remembered what he found in the woods. “Hey, you guys, guess what? I found a cooler full of beer in the woods today when I was looking for firewood.” “YES! BEER PARTY!” Ash whooped with joy. “*Sigh* Guys are so weird,” Misty muttered aloud. “I agree,” I said in a soft whisper in her ear, so the others couldn’t hear me. Misty giggled a little. “Now go on, you have to get in there too. It is all part of the story. Besides, if worse comes to worst, we can alwys go on like it never even happened in the first place.” “Okay,” she said, and joined the boys in opening a bottle. Ash some how drained three bottles in less than an hour. (He will get a severe reprimanding by the end of this story, don’t worry.) Brock and Misty were about the same level, and all three were definitely intoxicated. Brock will also get reprimanded, but Misty won’t, because she has PMS right now, and I can sympathize. The guys don’t have any reason at all, except that they want to get falling down drunk. “Whoa, hey, Misty, you’re kinda pretty,” Ash said, getting a really goofy looking grin on his face. “Yeah, I agree,” Brock said, getting the “ I’m-falling-in-love-again-don’t -bother-me” look. Misty hadn’t noticed; she had a violent moodswing and was now feeling a little depressed. “Ash, you’re too damn drunk to actually tell the truth about how you fell about me. you don’t like me at all. NOBODY LOVES ME!” She started bawling. “Now, Misty, you know thats not truth,” Ash said, his grammar starting to get bad. “I love you. Gimme kiss.” He started making smoochy sounds. “Okay,” Misty said, mood swing going from depressed to compliant. The two of them started kissing. The kissing turned in to pashing. Brock stood there and watched sullenly. “It’s my turn next,” he said, a little sulkily. That was when Jessie and James showed up. “Prepare for Trouble!” “And make it double!” “Oh, hi you guys. How are you? We got shit faced when you weren’t around. Cooler, man, there’s beer in there. Drink till you’re drunk!!! Ha ha,” Ash said. He had looked up long enough to say that, then gone back to pashing with Misty, who’s mood swing had gone from compliant to passionate. Jessie and James stood there, mouths open, totally unsure of what to make of this. They had interrupted the motto, but they also were giving away beer. “Oh, hell,” Jessie muttered, who was also having a PMS attack. “Lets get drunk too. Not a whole lot to lose, is there?” “Hey, guess what?” Misty called from the heap she and Ash had turned in to. “I know what you can lose!” She said in a very sing-song voice. “Any one wanna guess?” All five of them called out at the same time (though in different tones; some sarcastically, some happily) “Our virginity!” There was a moments pause, then everyone burst out laughing. “Come, on, Jessie! I want a beer!” James whined. “Well then go get one, dammit!” James grinned happily, and ran to pull a beer out of the cooler. Jessie followed shortly. Soon, all five of them were falling down drunk, giggling helplessly, pashing wildly, or moping. Jessie was giggling. She was also pashing with James, which made an intresting combination. James, of course, was also giggling, so they couldn’t really get irritated with the other. It made a very funny scene though. Ash and Misty were still pashing. Brock had stood by and watched them the whole time. Watched them start, with just the kissing, then watched the hands start to get involved, then Misty’s suspenders snapped off her shoulders because Ash had pulled them down, and Misty had somehow managed to get Ash’s pants down. When Ash got Misty’s shorts down around her shins, they rolled in to some deep grass, where they couldn’t be seen anymore. “Rememer, it’s my turn next,” Brock called weakly. he saw an arm fly up and wave distractedly at him, then saw another arm slowly reach up and pull the first down. After that, all he could hear was the groans. Topika wandered on to the scene. She took one look at what was going on, then walked over to the cooler, pulled out three beers, chugged them all, and was shortly as drunk as the rest. “Hey, Brock, you’re hot,”she said, voice slurred. “Whoa, cool,” He replied. “Wanna go hide behind a tree with me?” His question sounded kinda stupid, but both of them were a little too drunk to notice. “I betcha I can get there first,” Topika teased. “You’re on,” Brock replied. “Nope. You are,” she said, glancing down at his pants. Brock blushed a little, then stumbled towards the nearest tree. Topika stumbled after. Pikachu and Meowth had watched all this happening from a nearby bush. “Well,” said Meowth, “ We can either call the cops on them, or do something even meaner. What do you think, Pikachu?” “Lets be mean,” Pikachu replied, grinning evilly. “Did you remember the camera?” “Yup.” “Okay, let’s go!” Meowth called. The blackmailing duo set about taking pictures of their drunken companions. Jessie and James had stoppd giggling, and had gotten much more serious. James had now wrapped a leg around Jessie, and Jessie was running a hand up and down his thigh. They were both loving every minute of it. Ash and Misty had passed out. They had gotten tired out. Brock and Topika were still pashing. They had kissed a lot, and Topika was grabbing Brock in the rear. He liked that. He was holding her as tightly as a drunk person like him could. “Say cheese!” Meowth cried. Brock and Topika ignored him. The shutter clicked anyway. “Go away, you damn cat,” Topika muttered. “Hmmph!” Meowth said. Pikachu had Jessie and James to take pictures of. He would click, “Chu!”, click, “Chu!” over and over. After awhile, he could bear it no longer and broke down laughing. Jessie and James stopped their pash-session for a moment and glared at Pikachu. Pikachu hardly noticed, because he was rolling on the ground holding his sides in laughter. Jessie reached out, grabbed him, and threw him in the general direction of Ash and Misty. “Damn Team Twerp’s Pokemon. They should watch that damn little beast.” Then they went back to pashing. Eventually, everyone passed out of drunkeness. The next morning, Misty woke up first. “Oh, damn, do I have a head ache,” she said groggily. “Man, Hang overs suck!” She looked over at Ash. That was when she recalled a little of what had happened the previous night. “ I wonder if he really does like me...?” she said out loud. She started shaking Ash’s shoulder, trying to wake him up. “Go away. can’t you see I am sleeping here?” he muttered. He opened his eyes enough to see Misty leaning over him. His eyes got big as he, too, remembered last nights events. “Misty, do you really like me?” He asked. Misty grinned. “Yes. Do you like me?” “Yes.” “Oh, Ash!” Misty cried happily. She fell on top of him, hugging him tightly. Ash got a slightly stunned look on his face, then smiled widely and put his arms around her. They sat there for a minute, looking kind of goofy. Misty moved her head so she could look at Ash in the face. “Ash,” she whispered, almost seductively, “I think I am in love.” “Huh? With who?” He said, again proving himself to be thicker than a titanium fortifed laser-proof wall. Misty just grinned at his idiocy, And slowly leaned forward.She kissed him hard on the lips. This kiss was better though; last night, their kissing was from being drunk and stupid, but now it was true. Ash received the kiss well. The fell back in to pashing, but a true love’s pash. Jessie and James woke up next. Jessie woke with her arm across James’s chest, having been sleeping on her side. Her head was resting on his shoulder. She shifted a little, which woke James up. He had rested his cheek on the top of Jessie’s head, and had his arm wrapped around her waist. He started shifting a little too, moving his hand from her hip to her stomach. Jessie had nuzzled in to his neck a little more. James pulled her a little closer. She smiled a little, feeling blissful. James reached his other arm around and set his hand on her shoulder. Jessie traced patterns on James’s stomach with her fingers. “I think it’s safe to say, now, that I love you,” she said to him. He rolled over and looked at her in the eyes. Jessie’s hand slid across his stomach to the ground. “ I agree,” He said. His eyes said so much to her with out using words. With his arms wrapped around her, their eyes locked in love, James pulled Jessie close to him and kissed her deeply. Jessie felt truly safe in his embrace. She had joined Team Rocket in hopes she would find a place to belong; She had, but not in just the sense of “Team”. In the sense of companionship, and love. Brock woke up, saw he was next to Topika, and wondered if he was dreaming. “How the Hell did I manage to wake up next to a girl?” H e realized “on top of” was a little more correct than “Next to.” ”Whoa. Too much at one time. What happened last night?” He thought back, and tried to remember what had happened. It was very vague, but he had the general idea of what had happened. “ And now, I am with Topika. Cool, I finally got a girl.” Topika woke up just then, and saw Brock on top of her. “What the... Oh, wait, never mind. I remember now. How are you this fine morning, Hot Stuff?” “Uh, fine, thanks!” He said shakily. “Don’t be embarrassed. Here, will this help?” She asked. With that, she threw her arms around him and kissed him. Brock was taken totally off guard. Not knowing what to do, he just went along with it. Eventually, everyone got over their love scenes. They got up, cleaned up, packed their posessions, and left. Meowth and Pikachu had been found in a tree; Pikachu had landed there when Jessie threw him, and Meowth followed him up when he got bored. The pokemon joined their companions,and they each went their seperate ways. Except Topika, who stayed with Brock. The two of them acted as if their hands had been bonded surgically. They were almost always touching in some way or another. Ash and Misty were always together as well. Pikachu watched, sighing and shaking his head every now and again. “So, everyone, what did you think of that?” “Oh, hi Tiki. It was fun, I will tell you that much. THough I didn’t like the head ache,” Misty commented. “Oh well. I just thought you should feel some sympathy for your Psyduck.” “*Sigh* Okay. Well, what happens now?” I continue some of my other fanfics and go on like this one never happened.” “WHAT?! Why would you do that?” Ash cried. “Because my other fanfic I am currently typing gets in to more detail than this one. Meaning, you and Misty, and Jessie and James Get to do more stuff. IF you know what I mean, HINT HINT.” “Oh.” Ash started grinning a little. “It is possibly going to be a two part story. I am not totally sure, though. It involves Pikachu being successfully stolen by Team Rocket, You and Misty and Brock going after it, Jessibell shows up to help, and so far you haven’t succeeded, and J&J go to the movies and make out. I can’t tell too much more, though because A) that would give away the rest of the story and B) I haven’t typed much else.” “Why does pikachu have to get stolen?” Ash asked indignantly. “Because its part of the plot. It is something that writers have to do to give their story any good stuff. Not to mention it would get pretty boring if the whole thing were just one pashing session.” “WHAT THE HELL IS PASHING?!” Brock screamed, no longer able to bear not knowing what the word meant. “If I remember correctly, it is some form of slang word for intimate make out scenes. Something like that. I will look it up later.” “What is your other story called?” asked Topika. “I would like to look it up when you get it sent.” “It is called Tales of Team Rocket: First in a series. It will probably be posted at the same place this is.” “thank you!” “Your welcome. Any way, I think this Mini-Fic has dragged on longer than I intended. Originally, it wasn’t supposed to be more than three pages. It is now double that. Any others reading this who have written stories like this before know what I am talking about when I say ‘once I get rolling, it’s like trying to stop a two ton boulder on a sled going down hill at about seventy mph.” Everyone nodded in agreement. Then, they waved good bye, and walked off down the path. Never fear, my friends, A voice rings through their minds. You haven’t seen the last of me!! We will meet again!