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Clefairy vs. Jigglypuff

"Looks like Team rocket is blasting off again!" *Ding* "Finally. They took forever!" Misty said. "Pika pika!" The 3 friends walked down a path and came across a Jigglypuff and a Clefairy. "Cle-fairy!" "PUFF!" "Whoa, dude, 2 pokemon duking it out!" Brock said. "Don't Pokemon always do that?" Misty said, cross. Clefairy looked mad and so did Jigglypuff. Pikachu walked to clefairy but jigglypuff kicked him. "I'm gonna catch both of them!" "Not if we get them first!" Team rocket came out of nowhere. "Didn't you blast off 5 minutes ago?" "Shut up, ash and we are tlking all 3 Pokemon!" Jessie yelled. "We are?" " Yes James we are!" *dong!* Clefairy was chanting and Jigglypuff bodyslamed Clefairy. "Jiggly!" "Fairy!" James threw a Pokeball and it hit Misty. "Hey, you dork!" James and misty started to fight. Brock tried to calm down Clefairy but she slapped him. "Women." Meowth walked to Pikachu. "Why don't you try to grab Jigglypuff and we'll try not to catch today?" Pikachu to stupid to see it was a plan, said yes. {I'm sorry folks but isn't James the most cutest guy?*squeals*} Ash threw a Pokeball and then everything become still. Clefairy and jigglypuff turned to the people. "Don't you see? Clefairy and I are trying to see who's cuter!" Jigglypuff boomed. "Brock put down his Playboy. "Well, I think Clefairy is." Misty said. Ash and mewoth raised their hands. "What about me?" Jigglypuff said. Everyone left raised theirs. "See I'm CUTER!" "No I am!" Pikachu grabbed Clefairy. "Pikachu, what are you doing?" Pikachu threw it to mewoth and saw Clefairy about to Doubleslap. He threw it to Ash and pikachu used thundershock by mistake. "Looks like Ash and Friends are blasting off again!" *ding* "Hey, Team rocket didn't blast off!" "Who's writing this thing?" James yelled. "It is I! The narrotor!" "Oooooooo. Ahhhhhhhh." Jigglypuff said jiggly and Clefairy had blasted off with Ash. "I am not like the writers of this Pokemon show! I like you guys!" Jessie and james twirled around. "Team Rocket has fans. Team Rocket has fans!" "I'm the great jigglypuff and I like you guys too! Let me come with you! Pleeeesssee! *says please like cat that movie* "Sure! Now we have 4 Pokemon!" Team rocket walked down a path. Meanwhile, Ash and his friends are....."All the way back in PALLET TOWN! Noooooooooooooooooooooo....." Ash pouded his fist on the floor. "All that again. All that again!" misty saw Clefairy leave into a forest. Brock ran to a shop. "Look, a sale! Buy 2 playboys and get one free!" Misty rolled hereyes. Narroter: Tune in next time, Pikachu Lover dudes