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Mewtwo Strikes Back

Mewtwo wakes up from a lab and finds out he is a clone.A clone of Mew.He thinks he has no purpose and blows up the lab to show he'll get his revenge.Giovanni then finds Mewtwo,gives him armor and tells him I'm your friend.He works for Team Rocket for a little while but soon finds out they're jjust using him too.He then escapes from Giovanni(If you havn't figured it out yet Mewtwo can talk)

Ash and his friends are enjoying a meal when Ash is challenged to a pokémon battle.Ash easily wins however.Then a dragonite appears with a letter for Ash saying for him to attend the party in which the world's greatest pokemon trainer will be at.(Team Rocket overhear's at this point)What Ash doesn't know is this trainer is Mewtwo

Mewtwo controls the weather making it stormy.Now Ash is unable to go because the boat'sa won't go out on a day like this,so some trainers use their pokemon to get across.Ash just finds Team rocket(They are in a disguise)They take Ash to the island where the party is at.Or at least they try to but are wiped out by a giant wave.Ash and Misty use their water pokemon to get the 3 trainers on the island.Team Rocket arrives later.When on the island Ash Misty and Brock meet a girl who looks remarkably close to Nurse Joy.She leads them inside a castle.Inside are all the other trainers who made it across Mewtwo's "Test".Then Mewtwo appears.He states his true purpose is to rule the world with cloned pokémon.Mewtwo then waves his arms and the one girl asks:Where am I?It turns out she was Nurse Joy and she was being controlled by Mewtwo.Mewtwo then reveals his power by defeating a Gyrados,a charizard and a Rydon easily.Then one guy challenges Mewtwo.So Mewtwo accepts and brings out his pokemon...

Meanwhile Team Rocket is in another room of the castle with Mew(They do not know Mew is near them)They then see a weird looking Charizard Venusaur and Blastoise break out of a pod like thing.Team Rocket wonders what's going on as the 3 pokemon make there way over to Mewtwo.

Mewtwo then explains Dat his pokemon are stronger clones.So 2 trainers send out there Blastoise and Venusaur while Ash sends out Charizard.But Mewtwo's Cloned Pokemon easily win.Mewtwo then says he'll capture all the pokemon and turn them into clones.He uses strange black pokeballs to capture them all.Ash tries to put his pokemon in their pokeballs but it doesn't work.The black pokeballs capture the pokeball's with the pokemon in them.Soon enough all the pokemon are captured and cloned.(But the old ones are still ok.

Team Rocket who are still in the cloning room begin to see all the pokemon being cloned.The cloned pokemon make their way to Mewtwo.But then they see the real pokémon appear and they make their way over to fight Mewtwo.Mew follows behind.

Ash comes over to Mewtwo with all the real pokemon.He then get's mad and goes to punch Mewtwo but Ash is stopped and thrown against the wall by Mewtwo's Psycic Powers.But a bubble appears and Ash lands on the bubble unhurt.This confuses Mewtwo but he soon realizes what happened after Mew appears.While all the cloned and real pokémon fight Mew runs away from Mewtwo thinking it's all a joke.Finally Mewtwo hits Mew with a Orb blast.Mew goes flying into the air.But another orb blast is quickly delivered towards Mewtwo.It hits Mewtwo with a blast."So your finally in the mood to fight?"Mewtwo asks.

While all the cloned pokemon beat the daylights out of each other Ash slowly climbes down from the wall."I've got to stop this"he says to himself."This has got to stop.They're fighting to there death!"Brock gasps.Ash knows he has to do something so he dives in the middle of Mew and Mewtwo's blast while there fighting each other.Soon Ash is turned to stone by the blast.But then all the pokémon cry(except for Mew and Mewtwo)and Ash is slowly revived.Mewtwo then realizes Dat the battle must stop because they're never will be a winner.Mewtwo then transports Ash and everyone else off of the island and they don't remember a thing. THE END.