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Watch The Right Every single day our media bleeds lies into the hearts of those of whom open themselves up to the reasoning presented by it. We become dramatized by the status quo to make it our goal; our own responsibility even, to uphold the substantial demands that are unknowingly set out before us. The media invites us into believing that we are at home with it, citing such principals as left and right wing political agenda’s; a silent contract with the viewers that is expected to be upheld. As a result, labels and word associations are born, denying our privileges and rights of individuality amongst one another. It answers the questions that nobody asks, telling us what we want to eat, what we want to buy, and where we need to go to buy it. Consumerism then becomes an issue, and our hard work is only rewarded with materialistic goods that we once previously had no desire for. Companies thrive over this capitalist greed while young Ramelan in Indonesia gets 5 cents an hour making shoes for people that just need ‘one more pair.’ The television is blazing and the man on the news fixes his tie while eyeing the camera confidently. “There is no need for alarm” he says. “Return to what your were doing.” The matter of the differentiation between common human beings has been questioned for centuries. Just what plants the seeds to separate Bill from his father, or Joe from his friend? How is individuality even attainable if we are all born under the same circumstances? In a world without media, one would not have to look far for an answer. It’s our life experiences, and even the order of their occurrences, that play such a large role in determining how we’ll react to specific situations. Those of whom grow up under the same parents and surroundings are more likely to share similar qualities with one another, and so it is important not to isolate a child from the rest of the world. However, what would happen if we were all being parented throughout the same isolation without even knowing it? It’s no wonder that an American can fly to Japan and still be amazed by the differences of the people who populate the country. ‘The People’, as if American people and Japanese people were of different species. Just what is the cause of such difference? It’s not a disease that people get from crossing an Ocean, or a border, but a reflection of media coverage, and how it pressures our lives into fitting a certain mould. Yet without that individuality, how it possible that true happiness will ever be attainable? Albert Einstein depicts that “All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded to the individual.” However, the media is very inviting in what it does, and strongly encourages definitive interaction among it‘s viewers. This is evident in the trends that populate our land, constantly changing to meet the desires among the celebrities and famous. Even those of whom claim to be against the trends end up drowning in their own hypocrisy, labelling themselves as ‘Punks’ or ‘Goths’, among other discriminations. The ones who don’t meet the specifics of these trends are then labelled as ‘Posers’ which is in fact a complete contradiction amongst itself. Media representatives prey off of this manifestation, with stores like Hot Topic (a store for people who don’t want to meet the current fad) and stores that inaccurately humanize themselves into being something more than just a business. Walmart uses the phrase “I am just me.” as an ad slogan for advertising their clothes, while Gap used fancy illusions and dance to convince one to buy their product. Really though, the people at Walmart couldn’t care less about whether or not you find yourself, and the people at GAP are spending your money to make a new ad that will help them make enough money to make a new ad. The situation doesn’t end with consumerism though. Politicians use this kind of media bias to gather support for their concerning parties. They label themselves as Conservative or Liberal and upon hearing the words, our citizen’s ears perk up. “That’s what I am!” they say. Instead of thinking for oneself about what is right, it is natural for one to choose a side and stand by it’s principles, even without subconsciously agreeing with it all. New ideas are frowned upon by society, and media attention is purposely suppressed to distort people away from revolting against the status quo. You can be sure that Einstein’s theory on the evils of Capitalism were never popularized. Ideas can be so controlling over a population, that prevention of media coverage can go above and beyond that of the will of the executive producers of news stations. COINTELPRO was an FBI program during the fifties, sixties, and seventies designed to smother the voice and the will of the people who supported change. It used unconstitutional methods such as murder, intimidation, blackmail, falsifying information, invasion of privacy, illegal searches, and surveillance to uphold it’s goals. It targeted those among the likes of the American Communist Party, the American Indian Movement, the Black Panther Party, anti-Vietnam war activist Abbie Hoffman, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The struggle for truth has become a chore. In fact, our entire lives are sugar-coated for us by our television. Commercials are centered around emotions and activities; Families having fun, and people playing sports exceptionally well. We are all somehow convinced into buying these products through emotional manipulation and deceit, and yet if Nike were to show a young child working in a sweatshop, or KFC to show all the fat and grease within every chicken leg, we wouldn‘t be so quick to consume. “But what we can’t see, won’t hurt us” And so be it, it is through the events of tragedy that we are most vulnerable to our emotions. The media represents the fear that was installed throughout the 9/11 attacks, and more recently, the depression that was enveloped throughout the Tsunami of Asia. “That’s so sad.” a young man cries while reaching to his pocketbook to donate twenty-six dollars to the cause. This commercialistic influence leads us to believe that the greater the tragedy and the greater the world’s support, the greater our importance on contribution to society will be considered, even though this is the farthest thing from the truth. A starving child does not starve any less based on the popularity of his tragedy. People die every single day of unjust causes, all usually from things that ordinary people like us can help to prevent. But until Dan Rather asks for our support on the evening news, we feel no responsibility to do anything at all. Society has been unknowingly raped from all individuality. ‘Cultural differences’ are only understated by borders, and expectations are rampant in everything from MTV to Fox News. We turn to television for guidance on topics that we once decided for ourselves. We let movies establish our thinking patterns, to let us know what is funny and what is not, to let us know what it means to be cool. We are led to believe that there is a label in all of us, and that fitting in is a universal standard amongst men. Media has corrupted us all into believing the things that we otherwise never would have, and because of this, our society is in serious need of change. If you agree, and feel enlightened by the teachings of this essay, you truly haven’t even begun to understand what media is all about. Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it. Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held. Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books. Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin. Believe nothing just because someone else believes it. Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true. Bibliography: * Albert Einstein’s Essay “Why Socialism?” was originally printed in Monthly Review, New York, May, 1949, and then later re-printed in “Ideas and Opinions” by himself. Special thank you to for hosting the article. * Various quotes were found on the following page: * COINTELPRO was first made known to me through Anti-Flag’s “The Terror State” CD booklet, and was later researched at the following website: I look forward confidently to the day when all who work for a living will be one with no thought to their separateness as Negroes, Jews, Italians or any other distinctions. This will be the day when we bring into full realization the American dream -- a dream yet unfulfilled. A dream of equality of opportunity, of privilege and property widely distributed; a dream of a land where men will not take necessities from the many to give luxuries to the few; a dream of a land where men will not argue that the color of a man's skin determines the content of his character; a dream of a nation where all our gifts and resources are held not for ourselves alone, but as instruments of service for the rest of humanity; the dream of a country where every man will respect the dignity and worth of the human personality.