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Pikachu's Summer Vacation Summary

All of Ash's,Misty's and Brock's pokémon go on vacation.They try to stop Togapi from crying but Dat is soon not the problem.They meet up with a Marill(what everyone thought was a Pikablu) Snub bull,Cubone and Raichu.The two groups obviusly don't likje each other very much.Marill faces Squirtle in a river race but Marill wins.Then Raichu and Pikachu put there cheeks together and keep running as fast as they can.(Don't ask me what they we're trying to do)On the way they stepped on Charizards tail and this got Charizard mad.He then chased Pikachu and Raichu but ended up getting his head stuck in a pipe(cause Pikachu and Raichu moved out of the way)Then all of Ash Misty and Brock's Pokemon try to get Charizard out.They then convince Marill,Snub Bull,and Riachu to help out.But Cubone won't.After awhile of pulling Cubone finally decides to help and Charizard is pulled out.Then Pikachu and Snub Bull shake hands as Ash calls all his pokémon back.