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Pokémon found in Smash Brothers

Pokemon/ Catagory

Pikachu/ Player

Jigglypuff/ Player

Venusaur/ Level

Electrode/ Level

Charmander/ Level

Porygon/ Level

Chansey/ Level

Goldeen/ Item

Blastoise/ Item

Charizard/ Item

Meowth/ Item

Koffing/ Item

Chansey/ Item

Bedrill/ Item

Snorlax/ Item

Onix/ Item

Clefairy/ Item

Mew/ Item

Spearow/ Backround

Fearow/ Backround

Pidgey/ Backround

Now Dat's a lot of pokémon on a count of this game isn't even dedicated to it.If you've found any more.Please e-mail me them.