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South Park in Pokemon

Ash walked down the road. "At least we are out of Pallet Town!" he said. "Pika pika!" The group came to a house. "What's this? We've never been here!" Misty said. There were 4 Rocket dudes in front of the hut. Then, one door burst open. "Team Rocket!" Brock whispered. "No duh! I thought it was the Spice Girls!" Misty said. "Jessie!" "What, James!" "Ash and pikachu!" Jessie turned around. "Back off losers! Team Rocket's on a case!" "what could be better them my Pikachu?" "A town!" Meowth said. "A town? With rock pokemon?" "No!" Team Rocket shouted. Jessie began. "There's no pokemon in this town! This town came from Muggles!" "Have you been reading harry Potter?" Misty asked. Brock popped up. "Harry potter is a book that is all the rage. a muggle is a person that has no powers nor is a wizard. Harry-" "SHUT UP BROCK!" they all shouted. Ash and his friends followed Team Rocket. "Is that the town?" Brock asked. "Hey! People!" James said. They stopped at the town. A boy with a green hat came on. "Who are you?" "What do you MEAN who are WE? We are TEAM ROCKET!" A fat person came up. "Like, who the hell is Team Rokcet?" "And what the heck is that yellow thing?" "Hey, that's Pikachu!" Ash said. 2 more people came up. "Mumble mumble mumble." James looked at the boy. "what they hell did that kid say?" "This is Cartmen, Stan, that's Kenny and I'm Kyle." "You guys are hella stupid." Cartmen said. "So, you want that thing named a Pikachu?" Stan said. "Yes! We want that yellow thing, Pikachu!" Cartmen touched Pikachu. "Oh, man. These people are nuts!" "Mumble mumble mumble. Hee hee!" "That's funny Kenny!" Pikachu grew angry. "Pi-ka- CHU!!!!!!!" Pikachu used thundershock and Kenny laid on the floor, burnt and rats came over him. "Oh my god! That thing killed Kenny!" "You basterds!" "Well, i think we have enough notes about this. We'll be back soon." Jessie said, capping her pen. "back? Please don't come back..ever!" Stan said. Pikachu ran around and stubbed Cartmen's toe! "Dumb yellow blob!" Cartmen kicked Pikachu across the forest into a brick house. "Oh my god, you killed Pikachu!" Ash shouted. "You basterds!" Brock bellowed. Team Rocket went up in their ballon. "The boss will be happy." "Hey, Team Rocket didn't blast off!" "I like this dude!" Meowth said.